Pi Fillings: The X CD
Pi Fillings: The X CD is just $X
at Pi General Meetings. Or you can order it online for $XII
at: http://store.wap.org
The X CD contains a wealth of Mac OS X
applications, utilities, updates, drivers, documentation and
how-tos, and even some "diversions" to make life with Mac OS
X as wonderful as everyone says it should be, all selected
and packaged by our subject matter experts. For a
complete listing of the contents, please download
the table of contents, in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
Note: if you have problems transfering the file, then
Option-click on the link (Mac users) or
right-click on the link (Windows users).
For mail orders - write the Pi Office or email to
office@wap.org. You can
order by phone with a credit card or send a check made out
to Washington Apple Pi. Mail material to:
Washington Apple Pi
12022 Parklawn Drive,
Rockville, Maryland 20852 USA
Pi Fillings: digital nutrition
for the 21st Century.
