Whether it be cherry, apple or Washington, the more you put into a pi the more you get out. Now is a great time to become more involved with Washington Apple Pi. Through volunteering in the Pi you'll meet other members, learn more about you Mac and have a good time to boot! The list below details some of current volunteer roles that we're looking to fill.
A large number of Macs have been donated to the Pi in recent weeks and we need your help turning them into useful tools for schools, retirement communities, individuals and others. Volunteering for the Pi Reclamation Program is interesting and fun. It requires no knowledge or experience! You'll help triage donations, repair minor problems and install software. To learn more, send e-mail to vpvolunteers@wap.org.
The Pi is looking for some help documenting the organization's finances. If you're an accountant we'd love to get a few hours of your time. Contact the VP of Volunteers at vpvolunteers@wap.org.
Join the Publicity Committee and let the world know about Washington Apple Pi! Volunteers are needed to work on a media plan for the Pi, develop a web page for the media and to work on projects like a speakers bureau and experts lists. The Publicity Committee needs one or two folks who know something about advertising and can come up with an advertising plan for the Journal. Send e-mail to vppublicity@wap.org for more information.
Help out in the Washington Apple Pi offices. We need volunteers to take phone calls and otherwise run the Pi offices during the week. These days we're trying to keep the Pi offices open for members to call or drop by on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If you can spare a few of hours a week you'd be doing the Pi membership a great service. Send email to office@wap.org.
Interested in being more involved with Washington Apple Pi but don't know where to start? Drop an e-mail to vpvolunteers@wap.org and we'll try to match you up with activities at the Pi. It's fun, rewarding and a great way to meet other members.
The world famous Washington Apple Pi Journal is in desperate need of your artistic talents especially if you are skilled in Freehand or Illustrator! We're looking for a few people to create logos, banners and ads for the Journal. We're also looking for someone to write and edit a regular series of features on graphic artists, graphic arts, fonts, programs and related topics. If you can help out, even just a little bit, the Pi would really appreciate it. To learn more please drop an e-mail to maceditor@wap.org.
The Washington Apple Pi Journal needs a couple of people to act as editors. You don't have to be an uber-geek or even a run-of-the-mill geek, the qualifications are fairly straight forward. You need to be able to send and receive electronic contributions via E-mail, FTP and the Web. You'll need to have reasonably current versions of Microsoft Word, AppleWorks or both, as well as Photoshop (or Photoshop Eleents) for viewing graphic contributions. You'll also have to know a little bit about speling and grammer.
You probably read the Journal anyway; why not read it before it goes to press and help the Pi at the same time? For more information send e-mail to maceditor@wap.org.