3ACT-01: EASy Accouting System
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY 3ACT-01: EASy Accouting System The EASy Executive Accounting System was first released by the Denver Software Company for the Apple /// in 1982. The company managed to exist through 1986 before disappearing from the scene. The WAP /// SIG has placed this program into the Public Domain as a service to our members. THE PROGRAMS The EASy Executive Accounting System is on the following disks: A3.ACT.01 : SIDE ONE: EASy Information SIDE TWO: EASy Startup (self-booting) A3.ACT.02 : SIDE ONE: EASy System Disk SIDE TWO: EASy AR (Accounts Receivable) A3.ACT.03 : SIDE ONE: EASy AP (Accounts Payable) SIDE TWO: EASy GL (General Ledger) OVERVIEW EASy is a business software system designed to aid you in the bookkeeping and accounting needed to make your business run as efficiently as possible. Software means a set of instructions for your computer, and this software system is an easy-to-use package tht allows you to record transactions without having to know anything about computer programming and with only minimal knowledge of accounting. In function, EASy is comparable to many far more elaborate systems, and you can upgrade the Executive Accounting System (EAS)as the needs of your business grow. No programming skills are necessary to use the EAS since it provides you with lists of selections, or menus, from which you choose, and instructs you in using the system by means of screen messages. It even provides definitions of certain important accounting terms. It also allows bookkeeping functions and information to be kept for more than one company by maintaining separate disks for the accounts payable ledger, the accounts receivable ledger, the general ledger, and the SYSTEM disk (this last disk also includes information about company name, address and finance policy). The EAS makes bookkeeping almost enjoyable. It should certainly help you appreciate the capabilities of your computer. * THE EASy EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM MANUAL IS IN THE WAP LIBRARY.
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/