WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Three Cheers Boot and Program DISK ID#: 3APL-01 BOOTING : Self-Booting Three Cheers was the first and only magazine on disk for the Apple ///. Begun in 1984, its graphics are outstanding! This disk includes the boot and program disks. Requires 3APL-02 to operate (that disk has the only two issues ever produced.)
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Three Cheers Issues One and Two DISK ID#: 3APL-02 The only two issues ever produced for Three Cheers, an Apple /// magazine on disk. Requires 3APL-01 to operate. Issue One (On Side One) includes Apple /// News, reviews of Versaform and /// EZ Pieces, as well as Basic and Pascal programs (Three Cheers is Pascal based and can not run Basic programs). Issue Two (On Side Two) includes more News and information, an article about using your Serial printer in emulation mode, a game (Runaround) and "Magellan: CP/M to SOS and Back Again."
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Advanced Visicalc/Mail List Manager Hard Disk Versions DISK ID#: 3APL-03 BOOTABLE?: Bootable (Side Two) Hard disk versions of two venerable Apple /// programs. Side One: Advanced Visicalc. NOT self-booting. See DOCUMENTATION file for information on how to use this version. Side Two: Mail List Manager v. 1.1. This version is self booting. : MLMNOTES : Notes on this updated hardisk version. (We suggest you also get Dr. Al Bloom's MLM Utilities disks which really make this program useful. They are disks 3BLM.07 through 10.)
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Quick and Easy Data Master DISK ID#: 3APL-04 BOOTABLE? Bootable Quick and Easy Data Master allows the user to design programs by setting information prompts, then writes the program (in Business Basic). Includes a "Demo" mode that produces two programs for you. Originally released by Advanced Software Technology. Side One: Boot Disk Side Two: Program Disk
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Graph 'n Calc DISK ID#: 3APL-05 BOOTABLE? Bootable Graph 'n Calc is a combination business graphic development and analytical computation package that develops five different types of graphs: line charts, grouped bar charts, stacked bar charts, combination line/ bar charts, and pie charts. Graphs may be printed on an Apple Imagewriter or on Epson (or compatible) printer with Graftrax. Graphs created on video display may be saved to disk for later showing by an integrated "slide show" system that's included (files saved to disk may also be uploaded into On Three's Graphics Manager or Draw On Three for editing/printing). Built-in analytical computations include geometric, exponential and liear curve fitting; exponential smoothing; multiple linear regression; seasonality analysis; and many times series functions. Originally published by Desktop Computer Software. Side One: Boot Disk Read.Me.First File Side Two: Program Disk
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: HABAMERGE DISK ID : 3APL-06 BOOTABLE? YES Habamerge was a commerical program offered by HABA Systems, the original distributor of 3EZ Pieces. It has the same interface as 3EZPs and is designed to merge data base mailing list information into letters, or as labels. In fact, Habamerge will print THREE ACROSS mailing labels - something 3EZPs can't do! HOWEVER - it will NOT load a 3EZP or AppleWorks Word Processing file! ONLY ASCII Text files. (Bummer!) However, it is an Assembly Language program (the SOS.INTERP file) so it's pretty fast. We do not have a manual for it, unfortunately. But the program itself is self-explanatory and includes demos on disk. You can even print to screen to make sure that everything works right. The program is not perfect, one reviewer from another club in fact called it "virtually useless" because it can't seem to handle mailing lists of different lengths. However, if that isn't a problem for you, see if this program isn't worth a little of your time. IF you have a manual, please send us a copy. Or better yet, transcribe it and send a disk! By the way, this program will also work on any Apple //. This was the FIRST commercial product to be shipped so that it could run on either machine (the boot code on the // and the /// are in different blocks and each machine knows what to look for). IF you want to run the // version of Habamerge, all you have to do is insert this side into your Apple II (any version and turn on the machine - or at the Basic Prompt, type: ] -Merge.System and the program will boot automatically. NOTE that AppleWorks 2.0 and above already has mailmerge built in - but I don't believe it can print mailing labels 3 across so it may still prove useful on the // side. NOTE2: To use with 3EZPS - you'll have to print your data base mailing list to the word processor, then print it to disk (RAM disk is great for this). THEN run HABAmerge and load in the text (ASCII) file after you've set things up. Note that the records must be one line each with a Return (NOT a tab) AND no space inbetween: Joe Apple /// Cupertino Lane LaLa City, California 66666 Mary Sparkstation ServerCity Road Sun City, California 77777 (etc.) SIDE ONE Side One Informational side - bootable with the Menu.Maker Business Basic Program. This disk side includes the Read.Me.First file, and a database of all known articles about HABA - both in 3EZP (and Appleworks) format and in ASCII text file format (readable by Menu.Maker). HABA.DB 3EZPs Database of articles about HABA Systems HABA.DB.ASCII ASCII version of above file Read.Me.First Information file you're reading now. Side Two contains Habamerge - it's self booting and easy to use. Be sure to replace our SOS.DRIVER file with your own to use your particular printer. Or, if you have a hard disk, simply upload it there and run from BOS, Selector or Catalyst. Again, both the SOS and ProDos versions of the program are available ON THIS DISK SIDE.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: 3EZ Pieces DISK ID : 3APL-07 BOOTABLE?: Bootable The original integrated program for the Apple /// written by Robert Lissner. It includes modules for word processing, spread sheets and data bases. VERY easy to use. It is compatible with AppleWorks files - in that ANY version of AppleWorks can read these files. Check out books in the WAP library or at your local library for more information about how to use this program. Also check out the /// SIGs extensive Template offerings in our PD library - the section is 3AWZ (AppleWorks/3EZPs Templates). For Mail Merge see HabaMerge - disk 3APL-06. Side 1 - Boot - Read.Me.First : This file - EZPS.Review : A review of this program by Rod Whitten - Sample.Files (Directory) : Templates you can use with 3EZ Pieces WINTER.GRADES CAR.CONTACTS PERSONAL.WORTH QUALIFICATIONS USER.GROUP TOWER.OF.MAMMON OUR.BUDGET CAR.LETTER LOAN.SCHEDULE CONSOLIDATION HOW.DEMO MEMO PROJECTS Side 2 - Program
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/