WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Best of Ottalini: Disk 01 DISK ID : 3WAP-01 BOOTABLE? Side One This disk includes all the back articles by WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman Dave Ottalini, written in 1985 and 1986. On Side One under the "WAP.1985" Subdirectory: AIM.UPDATE :Update on Assoc. of Indep. Microdealer's software sale. DISPOSAL.SALE :Another article on AIM. OAGAZETTE :Bibliography of an early Apple /// magazine. ON3 :Bibliography of On /// Magazine from 1980-1984. SOFTALK :Bibliography of Apple /// articles in Softalk Magazine. THREE.FOR.ME :Another article on AIM and what they were offering. THREE.MAGAZINES :Bibliography of The Three Newsletter and Magazine. On Side Two under the subdirectory "WAP.1985": A3.BOOKGUIDE :Apple /// books. APPLE.NEWS :Apple /// programs into the PD; Titan ///+//e cards. BASIC.ARTICLE :Searching the magazines for Business Basic articles. DEMO.PROGRAMS :Some fun things to do with the Apple /// Demo Program. NEWSLETTER.BIB :/// Newsletter bibliography. On Side Two under the subdirectory "WAP.1986": A3.DRIVERS :Latest version numbers of Apple /// drivers. BEST.PT.2 :Part 2 of article about the best of everything for the ///. CLUBS :Discusses existing Apple /// clubs. HAPPY.NEW.YEAR :Looking back at 1985 and forward to 1986. NEWS.JUNE86 :WAP library and new PD offerings. OCTOBER.TRAIL :Column title, /// SIG on the WAP BBS. PGM.VERSIONS :What are the latest Apple /// program versions? SELECTOR :Discussion of this hard disk switching utility. THE.BEST.IN.86 :Best Apple /// products. UNCOPY.REVIEW :Review of On Three's Uncopyprotect Driver. WAP.BIBLIO :Bibliography of Apple /// articles in the WAP Journal.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Best of Ottalini: Disk 02 DISK ID : 3WAP-02 BOOTABLE? Side One The second in our series of disks containing the articles written by the WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman Dave Ottalini. Articles on this disk are from 1987 primarily. On Side One under the "Articles.1987" subdirectory you'll find: APLUS.ARTICLE :Article about the Apple ///. DEMO.PROGRAMS :Taking apart the Apple /// demo program. DRIVER.VERSIONS :Latest versions of Apple /// drivers. KIDWORD.3 :A word processing program for the little folks. PGM.VERSIONS :Latest versions of Apple /// programs. On Side Two, under the "Articles.1987" subdirectory: BIB.3MAG.86 :Bibliography of the /// Magazine for 1986. BIB.3NEWSLTTR :Bibliography of the /// Newsletter NEW.MEMBER.DISK :What's on the new member disk. WAP.01JANUARY :Sourceware products, Forth for the ///; SOS update. WAP.02FEBRUARY :New Co-Chairman; Phase /// Update; Al Bloom joins WAP. WAP.03MARCH :/// EZPs upgrade; Business Basic on the GS. WAP.05MAY :3EZP Upgrade Dies; On Three News; Meeting and SIG notes. WAP.06JUNE :Trouble shooting; Titan Card problems; File Compression. WAP.07JULY :/// SIG Moves; Tip of the Month; Go Forth; ThreeWorks. WAP.09SEPTEMBER :Farewell to Richard Rowell; News from Sun Systems. WAP.10OCTOBER :Phase /// preview; Profile for the office; New PD disks. WAP.11NOVEMBER :Phase /// highlights and lowlights; New GS Basic;Hypercard. WAP.12DECEMBER :A look back at the year. Music on the ///.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Best of Ottalini: Disk 03 DISK ID#: 3WAP-03 BOOTABLE? Side One The third in a series of disks containing the articles of the WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman Dave Ottalini and other selected authors. Articles on this disk are from 1988. One Side One: ANDERSON :The Legacy of Daryl Anderson (placed pgms into the PD) GSBASIC.1 :Taylor Pohlman on GS Basic GSBASIC.2 :Taylor Pohlman on GS Basic ON.3.BIB :Bibliography of On Three for 1987. TAU.PD.CON :Article detailing WPL program used for PD development. DESCRIPTION: On Side Two: WAP.01JANUARY :New products discussed: SOS Driver Optimizer & Graphics crd. WAP.02FEBRUARY :New PD disks discussed; Future disks;WPL pgm "PD.CON". WAP.03MARCH :D.A. Datasystems puts programs into the public domain. WAP.04APRIL :Has Frank Moore Returned?; More news from Lt. Sykora. WAP.05MAY :More Public Domain Disks; /// SIG's New Helper. WAP.06JUNE :ThreeWorks update; Apple /// News. WAP.07JULY :Sykora Software Update; On Three News; Sun Remarketing. WAP.08AUGUST :Menu.Maker Continued; Menu.Maker Take Two; New PD Disk. WAP.09SEPTEMBER :More On Three News; Sykora Software; July SIG Meeting. WAP.10OCTOBER :Apple /// News; Another Graphics Board; Music MIDI Driver. WAP.11NOVEMBER :Where Do I Find Parts For My Apple ///? WAP.12DECEMBER :History of the WAP /// SIG; /// SIG Christmas List.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Best of Ottalini: Disk 04 DISK ID#: 3WAP-04 BOOTABLE? Side One The fourth in a series of disks containing the articles of the WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman Dave Ottalini and other authors. Articles on this disk are from 1989. On Side One: WAP.TCS :Using the WAP TCS. WAP01.JANUARY :Happy New Year; Robert Lissner on 3EZ Pieces. WAP02.FEBRUARY :Reprint of January with comments on WAP 10th Anniversary. WAP03.MARCH :Telecommunications News; TerminALL operation; On Three. WAP04.APRIL :Spring Maintenance tips; On Three News; PD Disks. On Side Two: BUYERS.GUIDE :Bargains for Apple ///ers in hardware and software. EZP.HISTORY :A history of 3 EZ Pieces, an integrated Apple /// program. INFO.PART2 :More on finding Apple /// information. NEW.LINE :"Apple Announces New Micro Line." PARTS :Finding parts for the Apple ///. WAP.PD.XMAS :Best Public Domain disks for the holidays. WAP05.MAY :A Visit to On Three; Apple Users Group International. WAP06.JUNE :Pascal Menu.Maker; Other PD disks; Desktop Publishing on the ///. WAP07.JULY :The Lisa Shop; On Three discontinues 800 number & BBS dies. WAP08.AUGUST :New ThreeWorks update; PD disks. WAP09.SEPTEMBER :Telecom Month at the WAP /// SIG; Bob Consorti moves. WAP10.OCTOBER :ThreeWorks update; Parallel Printers; Publish It!2 pbms. WAP11.NOVEMBER :PD Offerings; Kudos and Comments; Power Supplies. WAP12.DECEMBER :A look back at 1989 and a look forward to 1990. On Three news.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Best of Ottalini: Disk 05 DISK ID#: 3WAP-05 BOOTABLE? Side One This disk contains all of Dave Ottalini's "On The Trail Of the Apple Three" columns written for the WAP Journal in 1990. On Side One: WAP01.JANUARY :The year ahead; Repairs; Color Monitors for the ///. WAP02.FEBRUARY :More on Repairs; Joe Dobrowolski; Prodigy commentary. WAP03.MARCH :WAP 10 year anniversary; National Apple Users Conference. : On Side Two: DISKS01.JAN :January Public Domain Disks. DISKS02.FEB :February Public Domain Disks. DISKS03.MARCH :March Public Domain Disks. DISKS04.APRIL :April Public Domain Disks. DISKS06.JUNE :June Public Domain Disks. DISKS07.JULY :July Public Domain Disks. DISKS08.AUGUST :August Public Domain Disks. COLOR.MONITORS :Color monitors and the Apple ///. DTP :Desk Top Publishing in Emulation Mode. ON.THREE.BIB :On Three Bibliography for 1989. RGB.JULY :A new RGB circuit for the /// (by D.D. Meisel) WAP04.APRIL :24 pin printers; Keyboards. WAP05.MAY :Happy Birthday SARA!; On Three moves; ThreeWorks update. WAP06.JUNE :How to be a power user on the ///; Dealing with Sticky Keys. WAP07.JULY :SIG survey results; Titan ///+//e update. WAP08.AUGUST :100th PD disk; Apple /// Donation Program; Mentor Program. WAP09.SEPTEMBER :More on the Mentor program; IIGIF; Apple /// to Mac. WAP10.OCTOBER :SCSI on the ///; On Three News; Pair Software News. WAP11.NOVEMBER :CD ROM Drives; On Three News; Donation program. WAP12.DECEMBER :Disk Drive Maintenance; End of the Year; PD disks.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Best of Ottalini #6 DISK ID#: 3WAP-06 BOOTABLE?: Bootable DESCRIPTION: This is the 1991 version of the Best of Ottalini, all the articles published by the WAP /// SIG's Co-Chairman for 1991. Some additional articles are also included from other authors. On Side One: TRAIL.JANUARY : Some Nice Words; A+/Incider; Dobrowolski News TRAIL.FEBRUARY : Apple /// emulation on the Mac; February Disks TRAIL.MARCH : On Three; Printer Questions; Disk Library TRAIL.APRIL : ///+//e Cards; Apple ///ers Unanimous; EASY Accounting TRAIL.MAY : Meetings; PD Disks; Directory Damage TRAIL.JUNE : A3 Donations; Jim Jutzin; On Three On Side Two: TRAIL.JULY : GoBack ///; Budget Time; PD Library TRAIL.SEPTEMBER : Sun Remarketing; Paul Campbell; On Three TRAIL.OCTOBER : Disk Drive Speed; New BBS; 256K Upgrade TRAIL.NOVEMBER : Bob Consorti; TCS; Mail TRAIL.DECEMBER : Holiday Gifts; Other Clubs; PD Library PD.DISKS (Subdirectory) -AUG.DISKS -SEPT.DISKS -OCT.DISKS -NOV.DISKS OTHER.ARTICLES (Subdirectory): -CAMPBELL.1 :Cooling the Jets on your Hot Apple /// -CAMPBELL.2 :The Apple ///: Death Bed or New Found Life -COLLECT :How to buy and collect old computers By Tim Swenson -TESSELL.MACROS :Using DTM Macros -DTM.REVIEW :Review of the //GS version of DTM - Author Unknown.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: The Best of Ottalini Disk 07 DISK ID : 3WAP-07 Bootable? Side One This PD Disk is another in our series of disks that include all the articles written by /// SIG Co-Chair Dave Ottalini. In this case, for the year 1992. This disk is self-booting and includes a program ("Print.All") that will print all the text files for you back to back. Or you can use Menu.Maker to print the specific file you are reading. See also disk 3WAP-08 "The Best of Ottalini Plus!" for more articles on disk from Ottalini as well as other authors printed in the WAP Journal in 1992. On Side One: Articles.1992 (subdirectory) - Trail.January : SARA and the GS; Why SOS?; Orphan Software; Paul Campbell News; How Do I - get a volume ID using AppleWriter; - deal with thermal intermittants. - Trail.February : New Members; Paul Campbell News; French and AppleWriter; Great Deals; Converting /// files to the Mac. On Side Two: Articles.1992 (subdirectory) - Trail.March : /// SIG Meting; Titan Sale Continues; Graphics; Annie's Craft in Japan; ATUNC News; Appreciation. - Trail.April : Sources for A3 Repairs; ATUNC Disks; Price Watch - Trail.May : Titan Information on Disk; Titan Card Problems; Menu.Maker Upgrade. - Trail.June : SARA lives in Cupertino; On Three update; Detroit Update; Japan Update; 24 Pin Printers and the ///; A3 Repairs. - Trail.July : Apple Book Review and the ///; Desktop Manager Tip; Parallel Cable Problems; Download Problems; Titan Report; More Repair Sources; AppleWriter Tip; Modem Eliminators on the ///. - Trail.August : On Three News; Test Your ///; Dr. Bloom Upgrades SIGN; Disk Notes. - Trail.September : Lisa Shop Update; On Three's New Products - Backup /// and GoBack; New Font from Paul Campbell; Parallel Cables; ATUNC News; Networking on the ///. - Trail.October : SuperDrive Project; GoBack News; On Three's Universal 800K Driver and the CPS drive; New SIGN program; /// Users. - Trail.November : PD Disks Update; Transfering Files; Superdrive Project Update; Steve Truax Hits the Jackpot; 512K Upgrades; Paul Campbell and SARA Upgrades. - Trail.December : Apple /// Systems; PD Rumblings; Communications Manager and 14,400 BPS Modems; Seth Mize in Boston; Apple /// Benchmarks; Macs, Apple ///s and Imagewriters; TCS Musings.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: THE BEST OF OTTALINI PLUS! DISK ID : 3WAP-08 BOOTABLE? Side One Disk 3WAP-08 is the second of 1992's "Best of Ottalini" disks. There was so much material available IN 1992, that we were able to fill a second 5.25" disk for you. On Side One you'll find all the articles about our PD offerings under the "PD.DISKS" Subdirectory (or Folder if you like): JANUARY.PD FEBRUARY.PD APRIL.PD MAY.PD JULY.PD SEPTEMBER.PD DECEMBER.PD On side two are articles from our good friends Paul Campbell, Tom Linders and John Lomartire. There's the Apple /// graphic Rick Gast pulled from one of the DOS 3.3 Apple /// Diagnostics disks. C.M.Davidson adds his upgrade to our Pascal Menu Maker program. And rounding things out - my two articles comparing prices of various Apple family computers: BATCH :Batch printing on the Apple /// CAMBPELL.LASERS :LaserJets and legal terms: The Apple /// at work. CAMPBELL.MARCH :Should you make the switch (to MS-DOS?) DAVIDSON :Updating the Pascal Menu.Maker Program DAVIDSON.DEC :The Apple /// System of C.M.Davidson DDS.APPLES :On Disk Drives and Apples DRIVER.CONFIG :Dealing with Driver Space Limitations DVORAK :An Open Letter to John Dvorak LINDERS :Apple Hardware Lubrication LOMARTIRE :Designer Disks for the Apple /// LOMARTIRE.2 :Some Tricks of the Trade: Wordprocessing with a Spreadsheet NEW.ADVENTURES :New Sara Adventures with Paul Campbell SOS.MSDOS :SOS Vs. MSDOS STEMWRITER :A review of Stemwriter STYLEWRITER :The Apple Stylewriter and the /// SYS.CONFIG :The Apple /// System Configuration Program SYS.UTILS :Little Known Utilities for the System Utilities A3.SCREEN.TEST :Apple /// FOTOfile PRICES -MAY.PRICES : May Apple // family price comparisons -JULY.PRICES : July Apple // family price comparisons
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: The Best Of Ottalini - Disk 8 DISK ID#: 3WAP-09 BOOTABLE?: Bootable DESCRIPTION: This is the 1993 edition of WAP /// SIG Co-Chair Dave Ottalini's articles from the WAP Journal. Also includes articles from other authors and information about PD library additions. On Side One TRAIL.JANUARY : Superdrive Driver; Future Apple /// Projects TRAIL.FEBRUARY : Software Development Fund; Paul Campbell; John Lomartire TRAIL.MARCH : Software Development Fund; Printer Problems TRAIL.APRIL : Software Development Fund; Lost Classics Project EXTRAS (subdirectory) PARALLEL.PS : Parallel Printers and the /// by Bob Sambolin On Side Two TRAIL.MAY : Software Development Fund; Apple /// Information TRAIL.JUNE : Software Development Fund; Video Problems; File Transfers TRAIL.JULY : Thees Company BBS; Software Development Fund; ATUNC TRAIL.AUGUST : Software Development Fund; Threes Company BBS; Titan Support TRAIL.SEPTEMBER: Threes Company - WAP; Software Development Fund; ASCIDIF TRAIL.OCTOBER : BOS3; Meeting News; Internet News TRAIL.NOVEMBER : (Updated version of October) TRAIL.DECEMBER : BOS3 Now On Sale!; Honor Roll; Apple /// Forever PD.LIBRARY (subdirectory) PD.FEBRUARY PD.MARCH PD.APRIL PD.MAY PD.JUNE EXTRAS (subdirectory) PROFILE.LL : Low Level Format on the /// MICRO.COURIER : Tips on how to use this program by Earl Brelje TIPS : Miscellaneous /// Tips by Johnson and Baya FIRST.COMPUTER : Experiences of a First Computer User by Bob Sambolin APPLE.DOS : A3 to MS DOS Transfers by John Lomartire TWO.ALIVE : An open letter to Two Alive Magainze about the ///
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: BEST OF OTTALINI #9 DISK ID : 3WAP-10 BOOTABLE? SIDE ONE ONLY Here's the 1994 version of our Best of Ottalini disk - including all of Dave's 1994 Trail Columns and PD Library articles. Also included, a number of other articles by /// SIGers. Enjoy! SIDE ONE TRAIL.COLUMNS (SUBDIRECTORY) TRAIL.JANUARY : BOS3; TCS; Paul Campbell News TRAIL.FEBRUARY : Garage Sale; DAR TRAIL.APRIL : SIG Meeting; DARing Along TRAIL.MAY : ///ers From The Past; Detroit Doings; Word Juggler PD.LIBRARY (SUBDIRECTORY) JANUARY MAY Side Two TRAIL.COLUMNS (SUBDIRECTRY) TRAIL.JULY : Apple /// emulation on a MAC; Software Development Fund TRAIL.SEPTEMBER : A visitor from Japan; Com Manager Update; Internet Qs TRAIL.OCTOBER : Bob Consorti Projects; Parallel Printers; On Lamp Repairs TRAIL.NOVEMBER : The WAP Move; Linders Keeps Dave Honest; Where Do I Find? TRAIL.DECEMBER : Happy Holidays; Software Development Project; ///s Co. WAP OTHER.ARTICLES (SUBDIRECTORY) BURR.PATTERSON : "Profile of a Hard Learned Lesson" LINDERS : "Doing a Hard Format on a Profile" MAC.TO.3 : "Apple /// to Mac, The Hard Way" DAR.REVIEW : "DAR - Disk Archival and Retrieval" QUESTIONS.SEPT : Q and A Column QUESTIONS : Q and A Column INTERNET.A3 : Apple /// on the Internet - where the Listserver is PAULS.NEWS : The latest adventures of Co-Chair Paul Campbell
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: BEST OF OTTALINI #10 DISK ID : 3WAP-11 BOOTABLE? Nonbootable Here's the 1995 version of our Best of Ottalini disk - including all of Dave's 1995 Trail Columns and PD Library articles. Also included, a number of other articles about the Apple II and /// by other authors. Enjoy! SIDE ONE TRAIL.COLUMNS (Directory) MAY.JUNE :Bob Consorti Moves On; Al Bloom Weighs In; But Wait Just One Minute; BOS Update; Internet News; A3 Technotes; File Transfers; Will Wonders Never Cease. JULY.AUGUST :SARA on the MAC?; On The Sound Front; Al Bloom and MLM; The Year 2000; Applesoft to an Apple /// Text File; Apple /// Parts; PD Library Notes. APPLE.3 (Directory) WARNKE.AW :Super Apple Writer /// (4.1) MACRO.MGR.BUGS :Macro Manager Bug Fixes SARA.AND.ME :Dave Wagner's experiences with his /// EM.MODE.PRINT :Printing in Emulation Mode CHARACTER.SETS :Downloading Apple /// Character Sets PAUL.REPORT :Latest News from /// SIG Co-Chair Paul Campbell AW.TUTORIAL :AppleWriter Tutorial BB.PRINTING :Printing from Basic and Pascal PD.LIBRARY (Directory) PD.LIBRARY.JULY :/// SIG PD Library additions for July (also see Inet.Disks on Side Two - Internet/Inet.Disks) SIDE TWO INTERNET (Directory) INET.BY.MAIL :Getting Internet information with email INET.DISKS :Internet PD series for the Apple /// INET.FILTER :Filtering Usenet Messages A3.INET :Apple /// and the Internet INTERNET.AND.3 :Apple /// and the Internet A2.INET.SW :Apple II software on the Internet APPLE.2 (Directory) SECOND.SIGHT :New Second Sight graphics card for the 2GS A2.Q.A.11.95 :Apple 2 Q and A AW.PATCH :Patching AppleWriter 2.1
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/