Disk ID#: 3BSB-07
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS Name: BASIC 1.23 AND UTILITIES Disk ID#: 3BSB-07 This is another disk for the Apple /// Business Basic Programmer. Along with the standard version 1.23 of Business Basic, we've included many invokables and utility programs that you will find useful as you attempt to program in Business Basic. Manuals are in the WAP office. For the best information on programming see our Business Basic series by Taylor Pohlman on disks 3BSB-01 through 05. Here's what you'll find on this disk: Side One: -: CLEANER : Will turn on a disk drive so you can use a disk cleaner. -: COMPARE.PRGS : Compares two versions of a Basic program. -: DESIGN.FONT : A Font design program. -: FILEHANDLER : A File handling utility. -: QUICK SORT : A sorting utility. -: RENUMBER : A utility that lets you renumber or merge programs. -: STRING.CK : A program to check strings in a Basic program. -: FILE.CLEAR : Clears files. -: FIND.REPLACE : Finds and replaces -: Invokables include: -: Request.Inv, Download.Inv., Filehandler.Inv., Readcrt.Inv., Upshift.Inv. -: On Side Two are: -: Two excellent Basic utility programs by Robert Boston: -: AUTOBASIC: A line editor for text files of BASIC programs (< 3,000 -: lines). -: TREESORT: A sorting utility.
Disks 3BSB-03 through 3BSB-07
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY Disks 3BSB-03 through 3BSB-07 The Third Basic By Taylor Pohlman Disks 3BSB-03 through 07, contain all 23 articles on Business Basic as written by Taylor Pohlman in the old Solftalk Magazine, as well as every BUSINESS BASIC program developed for use with those articles. The Menu.Maker program will allow you to read each article and to run the programs should you so desire. BUT PLEASE NOTE: We would recommend you copy the programs to a separate disk and run them from that disk. Since many of these programs are basically examples to show certain things that BUSINESS BASIC can do, the original program could be damaged. Further, you may need to include other files, like BGRAF.INV or other invokable module in order to properly run these programs. Where space permits, we will include these on the disk at the directory level. But you will have to use System Utilities to transfer them to the appropriate disk. Finally: in order to save space, we have only made 3BSB-01 a self-booting disk. The rest of the Third Basic disks will include Menu.Maker but not the SOS.Kernal, SOS.Driver and SOS.Interp files needed for your Apple /// to boot up. Since Menu.Maker will read and run programs from any disk placed in any disk drive, all you have to do is boot this disk (or any other Bootable /// SIG PD BUSINESS BASIC disk) and then place the proper disk in any disk drive to get your menu. Here's what you'll find on each disk: PDS NAME: Pohlman Disk 01 DISK ID#: 3BSB-03 BOOTABLE?: Bootable Contains the first five articles from Taylor Pohlman's fine series on Business Basic in Softalk Magazine. Programs included. ARTICLE 1: Introduction; Business Basic & SOS; Program to read text files. ARTICLE 2: SOS file system revisited; File-to-file transfer program; Screen print program. ARTICLE 3: Indexing techniques; Data files; Parts distribution program. ARTICLE 4: Parts program continues; Business Basic 1.1; New Invokables. ARTICLE 5: Mixed bag: Programming style and philosophy; GET statement; Hex to decimal dump program. PDS NAME: Pohlman Disk 02 DISK ID#: 3BSB-04 BOOTABLE?: Nonbootable Taylor Pohlman's SofTalk articles 6-9. ARTICLE 6: Random record files; Get# statement; Request Invokable and programs to illustrate. ARTICLE 7: Graphics introduction and programs to illustrate. ARTICLE 8: More on Graphics; Flashing cursor; Writing on the screen. ARTICLE 9: Hashing records (producing a random record number from an arbitrary collection of characters called a key value). PDS NAME: Pohlman Disk 03 DISK ID#: 3BSB-05 BOOTABLE?: Nonbootable Taylor Pohlman's SofTalk articles 10-15. ARTICLE 10: The Apple /// Console Driver; Request.Inv Invokable. ARTICLE 11: More on the Console: Four way scrolling through text files. ARTICLE 12: More on the Console: Data entry screens. ARTICLE 13: General purpose keyboard read program. ARTICLE 14: Sorting techniques in Basic. ARTICLE 15: More sorting techniques in Basic. PDS NAME: Pohlman Disk 04 DISK ID#: 3BSB-06 BOOTABLE?: Nonbootable Taylor Pohlman's SofTalk articles 16-19. ARTICLE 16: Data base manager program showing how binary tree data structures can be used for data access. ARTICLE 17: High-Res character set and shape/font editor. ARTICLE 18: Character set animation; Bug Mania. ARTICLE 19: More on character set animation. PDS NAME: Pohlman Disk 05 DISK ID#: 3BSB-07 BOOTABLE?: Nonbootable Taylor Pohlman's SofTalk articles 20-23. ARTICLE 20: More on Apple /// graphics: Bit mapped displays (140x192 color). ARTICLE 21: Proportional spacing and text font appearance. ARTICLE 22: Insert mode editing in Basic. ARTICLE 23: More on insert mode editing: Making the underline "wink" and shifting up the five lower-case characters.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: THE BEST BUSINESS BASIC PROGRAMS FROM "ON THREE" MAGAZINE DISK ID : 3BSB-08 BOOTABLE? Side One Compiled by Dave Ottalini WAP /// SIG October, 1990 Reviewed March, 1991 You will find a treasure chest of great programs on this disk. Some can be used as is, others must be incorporated into other programs as your needs call for. Please be aware that your WAP /// SIG has modified these programs so that, when done, they will return you to our "Menu.Maker" program. You need to change the code to make it look elsewhere or end if you like. Now, what's on this disk? Here's the rundown: SIDE ONE SKETCHER.III : A graphic sketching utility PEG.LEAP : A fun game something like checkers BLOCKS : Graphics demo LINES : Graphics demo NOISES : Lots of them! FONTDEMO : A font demonstration program SIDE TWO AIRPLANE.SS :Visicalc/3EZ Pieces Decision Support Spreadsheet BAS.BOOT :A program that allows you to reboot from Basic using MISC.INV invokable BASIC.FOR.D.T :Disk formating utility BASIC.T.E.W.PRG :A program that generates negative square roots and random numbers BENS.SUPER.SLOT :Slot Machine Game BRIANS.COLORS :Graphics Demo BRIANS.THREEme :Graphics Demo BYTE.TWO.TEST :For programmers, identifies when a "special key" is pressed CIRCLING.DEMO :Graphics Demo. Should look familiar! CNTL.C.MAYBE :Another Spreadsheet program for use with Visical/3EZ Pieces DEMO.1 :Graphics Demo DEMO.2 :Graphics Demo DEMO.3 :Graphics Demo GRAPHING.DEMO :Utility to make graphs on screen HEADFIRST :Program that makes "Headlines" KEYPRESS.DOC :Documentation for KEYPRESS.INV Invokable KEYPRESS.TEST :Demo for KEYPRESS.Inv MISC.DOC.TEST :Demo for MISC.INV Invokable to lock/unlock Reset Key; Reboot System; and Slow Down or Speed Up your /// (WARNING: DO NOT USE reboot or speed settings with Selector/Catalyst) PATTERNS.PART1 :Graphics Demo RONS.DEMO :Walking Man Demo SPREADSHEETING :Demo of a Basic Spreadsheet TIMESET :A more useful version of this time-setting program All these programs are well documented. Just LOAD and then LIST them to see. Each will also indicate which ON THREE magazine issue they came from. The WAP office has most of these in the library. Or you can get back issues of On Three by calling 1-(805)-822-8580 (On Three). While you're at it, be sure to get on their mailing list.
DISK ID : 3BSB-089
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: AppleCon DISK ID#: 3BSB-09 BOOTABLE? Bootable Basic conversion program that will take Applesoft programs and covert them (to a point) into Business Basic. On Side One: APPLECON.INST :AppleCon Manual. CONVERT.NOTES :Notes on converting from AppleSoft to Business Basic. PEEK.POKE.CALL :PEEKs/POKEs/CALLs and their Business Basic equivalents. Side Two: AppleCon Boot disk (Pascal based).
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: THE APPLE /// STARTUP DISK AND PRINTER SET-UP PROGRAMS DISK ID : 3BSB-10 BOOTABLE? Side One UPDATED APRIL, 1991 MAY, 1995 FIRST OF ALL: Many thanks to WAP /// SIGer Jim Salerno for providing the programs for this disk. His efforts are appreciated! BELOW: You will find basic information about the files on side one of this disk: BOOTING...As you have discovered, side one of this disk is self-booting. Side two may be accessed by first running the WAP MENU.MAKER program, turning the disk over and pressing the <ESCAPE> key. SOS.DRIVER...The "ATTACH" Driver is set to input ".PRINTER" using APPLE DMP Codes. Use Control-1 to request screen text printout. Control-2 will toggle from normal to condensed size print. Use the KEYPAD NUMBERS for this command. You will see a letter at the upper right screen position indicating your selection. Except for programs which have redefined the use of the keypad numbers, this program will permit a screen text printout whenever a keyboard input is allowed. It should let you dump the screen at normal size using just about any printer. Try it and see! ....The serial printer driver,".PRINTER", is set at 1200 baud,7 bit-odd,with no delays. This is to be used with the serial port on the back of your Apple ///. ....The parallel printer driver,"PPRINTER" is for the APPLE UPIC interface card (slot 1). ....The .Profile driver is a "Universal" driver for use with a five or ten MB ProFile. ....We have also included a few other printer drivers which may better fit your system. But you will have to set it up accordingly using the System Utilities "System Configuration Program" (available on WAP PD disk 3UTL-01). MENU ITEMS...Most items need no explanation, as they will allow you to catalog a disk or read a file, etc. SIDE TWO PRINTER CONTROL AND LABEL PROGRAMS DECEMBER, 1987 UPDATED APRIL, 1991 Please note that while these programs may not correspond directly to your printer, you can adapt them according to your own needs. By looking at your printer manual, you can exchange the control codes in these programs for those of your printer. Thus, you'll have a quick and easy way to set up your printer or print disk labels from Business Basic. PRINTER.SET A program for selecting printer functions on the Apple Dot Matrix and Imagewriter printers. From ON THREE, Feb. 1986. PRINTER.SET.MOD Modification and enlargement of above program for use with the C.Itoh printer. EPSON.CONTROL A program for selecting printer functions on the Epson printer. From THREE's COMPANY. C.ITOH.CONTROL Modification of above program for use on the C.Itoh printer. PRINTER.MENU An inquiry and response type menu for selecting printer functions for the Apple DMP printer. PRINT.TEXT A PASCAL program for printing pascal text files, skipping over page breaks and numbering each page. REQUIRES PASCAL TO USE. OKIDATA.MENU A menu for the OKIDATA 182 printer is contained in "OKIDATA.MENU". This may be renamed and used as the printer menu. If you do this, please save the original printer menu and restore it before leaving. -------------------- LABEL PROGRAMS ------------------------- LABELER.1 This program prints the directory from an APPLE /// disk on Avery 1.5 inch X 4.0 inch labels. It is set up for an Epson MX-100 printer. The printer commands are located in lines 730-790. LABELER.2 This program prints the directory from an APPLE /// disk on 1 x 3.5 inch, 1-UP labels. It is set up for an Imagewriter printer. The printer commands are located in lines 730-790. Original Author: Unknown Imagewriter modifications, lineup routine, error trapping routine, 1 x 3.5 label capability added by Ed Gooding - Sept. 30, 1986 LABELER.3 This Label Maker program by Bob Wiker will simply allow you to print up a label of up to five lines. You can print as many copies as you wish and change the copy depending on your needs. Uses the .Graphix driver and the bgraf.inv invokable module.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: BASIC UTILITIES DISK ID : 3BSB-11 BOOTABLE? Side One This disk contains a number of useful BASIC programs that will, among other things, allow you to send control codes to an Epson printer, scroll your documents, work with various menu programs and more. Side One Utils.1 -Epson.Select will let you set up your Epson printer before printing. Epson.Document tells you how. -File.Reader can read a text file from various sources and even print it. -Hex.Dec.Convert will convert Hex and Decimal numbers back and forth. -Mortgage will compute your mortgage payments over any time and cost. Utils.2 -Contains a number of Basic menu programs including: Automenu, Basic.Bootprogram, and Manualmenu. -Compare.Utility compares two versions of a Basic program (saved as ASCII files) and will show you the differences. Compare.Documnt tells you how to use it. Utils.3 -Scroller will load an ASCII file and allows scrolling up and down, left and right. -Textfile.Copy allows you to copy text files from one disk to another. -Textfile.Dump is a similar program you can use to print a text file to a printer or to the screen. -Textfilemanker allows you to create a textfile and save it to disk. -Search.Utility will search a text file for specific lines of copy. Search.Document tells you how to use it. Utils.4 -Mailbase is a data base you can use for keeping mailing lists. -SOSbuffer.Demo uses a printer to demonstrate the ///'s typeahead feature. Side Two Utils.5 -Includes Util and Util.Doc. Util is a program that you can add to other Basic programs, so you can do a number of disk utility functions, including copying files, reading files, etc. Util.Doc explains how to use this program. Util.6 -Basic Renumber renumbers any Basic program easily and quickly. -Diskdrv.Clean turns on the desired disk drive for use with cleaning kits. -Find.Replace finds specific strings of text and lets you replace them. -Compress.File is a short program that compresses a text file to save space. -REM.Remover removes REM statements (they slow down programs). -Renumber.Doc documents and works with the Renumber.Inv invokable module. -Demo.Three is a fun little program that you'll enjoy. -Modem is a telecommunications program written in Basic. Easy to use. -Rename.Direct allows you to shorten file names prior to backing up and will restore the names as well. Util.7 -Line.Printer will print the first 23 lines of the screen to a printer. -S.T.E.P. is a word processing program written in Basic. -VC.File.Printer will print Visicalc (DIF Format) files to a printer. -Newdownload allows you to change fonts in Basic easily and quickly. -Cipher.Utility encrypts text files and restores them. Cipher.Document explains how to use it. Util.8 -Graph.Pac is a Graphics Drawing program. -Time.Program will display the time if you have a clock chip. -Loan.Pay.Calc will compute your loan payments over any given time. -Border.Program creates a nice border ala the Apple /// demo disk. -Calculate.Area will do just that. -Graph.Plot will plot graphs. -PDL.TEST is used with an Apple /// joystick for allignment purposes. You will be able to run any of these programs from within Menu.Maker. But they HAVE NOT been set up to return you to Menu.Maker after being run. The quickest way to get back is simply type at the prompt )Run .D1/Menu.Maker and you'll be set.
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/