Disk: 3DAD-01
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY Disk: 3DAD-01 DA Datasystems Catalog Disk This disk contains the catalog of a former Apple /// vendor - D.A. Datasystems We've done this for a couple of reasons. One is historical. It's important to preserve the information about the products listed here. Secondly, this company made an important and lasting contribution to the /// community and deserves that recognition. We also think it's interesting to read the descriptions... and see what the going prices were just a few years ago. Please note that we have almost every D.A. Datasystem program in our library. Daryl Anderson placed all his programs into the PD when he decided to make the switch to Amiga in the late 1980s. On Side One: WAP.READ.ME PRICE.LIST On Side Two: POWER.KEYS OMNIS.DATABASE MILLION.BYTES CARTRIDGE.DISK READ.IBM.DISKS DISK.COPY.UTILS TOOLS.X3.REVIEW PWRKEYS.MODULES TOOLS.TIMES.
WAP /// SIG Public Domain Library PDS NAME: Basic XT and Basic Utilities DISK ID#: 3DAD-02 BOOTABLE?: Bootable Daryl Anderson's fine Basic programs designed to extend the language and provide System Utilities in Basic. Includes User Manuals. On Side One: LEGACY :The legacy of Daryl Anderson to the /// Community. RUN.BASIC.UTILS :Runs Basic.Utils on Side Two. TAGSORT.PROGRAM :Program demonstrating the Tagsort utility. (All below are the Basic XT invokables:) TTTSORT.INV VARPTR.INV CALL.INV PEEKPOKE.INV XT.INFO (subdirectory): - USER.MANUAL :BASIC XT Manual. UTILS.INFO (subdirectory): - USER.MANUAL :BASIC UTILS Manual. - READ.ME.FIRST:Implementation notes about BASIC UTILS (what it can and can not do.) On Side Two: HELLO: Runs the BASIC.UTILS program.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: The Retriever DISK ID#: 3DAD-03 BOOTABLE?: Bootable THE RETRIEVER will recover inadvertently deleted files on your Apple /// floppy diskettes or hard drives. In most cases the lost data is fully and reliably restored. If you delete a file and then alter or save other files on that disk, it is possible that parts of the disk which previously contained data from your deleted file will be over-written by the new data, and thus permanently lost. THE RETRIEVER may not be able to recover all or part of a file if it is not used immediately after the file is deleted. Since this cannot always be the case, THE RETRIEVER has facilities to assist you in recovering partial files under many circumstances. Side One RUN.RETRIEVER :(From Menu.Maker) runs the Retriever program. Side Two USER.MANUAL :Complete documentation about The Retriever.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Power Print /// DISK ID#: 3DAD-04 BOOTABLE?: Nonbootable Power Print /// is a Ram Spooler which will allocate a large section of your system's memory as a SERIAL or PARALLEL PRINTER BUFFER. The Power Print Buffer is configured as an installable Device Driver which may replace your existing .PRINTER driver. This facilitates printing of longer documents or printouts because the printer output is very quickly 'dumped' into the buffer by your application then printed over a much longer period of time, by the .PPRINT driver software. Your application will resume after the dump stage instead of awaiting completion of printing. On Side One: PPRINTS02.DRIVE :Serial Port Printer Driver with 2K Buffer PPRINTS04.DRIVE :Serial Port Printer Driver with 4K Buffer PPRINTS08.DRIVE :Serial Port Printer Driver with 8K Buffer PPRINTS16.DRIVE :Serial Port Printer Driver with 16K Buffer PPRINTS24.DRIVE :Serial Port Printer Driver with 24K Buffer PPRINTS30.DRIVE :Serial Port Printer Driver with 30K Buffer USER.MANUAL :The documentation for POWER PRINT ///. On Side Two: PPRINT02.DRIVER :Parallel Printer Driver with 2K Buffer PPRINT04.DRIVER :Parallel Printer Driver with 4K Buffer PPRINT08.DRIVER :Parallel Printer Driver with 8K Buffer PPRINT16.DRIVER :Parallel Printer Driver with 16K Buffer PPRINT24.DRIVER :Parallel Printer Driver with 24K Buffer PPRINT30.DRIVER :Parallel Printer Driver with 30K Buffer MORE.INFO :Additional information and errata about POWER PRINT ///.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Disk Window /// DISK ID#: 3DAD-05 BOOTABLE?: Bootable DISK SIZE: DS 5.25 OS: SOS Disk Window /// is a collection of Basic and Assembler language programs which function together to allow you to directly access and alter any location on any Apple /// disk storage device. Using Disk Window /// you can access those parts of the disk which are normally reserved solely for Operating System access. These include the 'bitmap' mapping available sectors on the disk, the file-type byte in a file directory entry, and the boot code in block 0, for instance. Although its power lies in its granting you the ability to access and change disk data outside of the normal file-based structures, Disk Window /// can be quite useful in allowing simple debugging and patching of file data which is ultimately, itself, stored as disk-block data. On Side One: QUICK.NOTE :Information about the Attach.Driver QUICK.NOTE.2 :Information about WAP /// SIG changes to Disk Window. RUN.DISK.WINDOW :Run the program (on Side Two). USER.MANUAL :Disk Window user manual. VERSION.2.NOTES :Some notes on Version 2 by Robert Howe. MORE.V2.NOTES :Additional notes on Version 2. READ.ME.FIRST :What's on this disk. On Side Two is the Disk Window ///+ program and associated files.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Data Window and Source Window DISK ID#: 3DAD-06 BOOTABLE?: Bootable DISK SIZE: DS 5.25 OS: SOS On Side One: Data Window is a collection of utility programs which will produce for you a standard formatted "dump" of Apple /// system RAM or of any FILE stored on any Apple /// device. It features a FileDump mode which can be extremely useful in debugging stray data errors or damaged file structures which standard applications cannot access. Any file can be dumped to the screen for viewing or saved for later examination with your word processor. All the little extra pieces of information that are imbedded in the file, but transparent to your application program can be examined. See USER.MANUAL for complete instructions. On Side Two: Source Window is a powerful implemented Reverse Assembler or DisAssembler which will convert existing "machine language" programs such as Device Drivers or even SOS itself into readable symbolic listings. Output is formatted in a manner which can be easily altered and reassembled if desired. By Daryl Anderson. USER.MANUAL : A complete tutorial on how to use Source Window.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Power Cat and Basic XRF DISK ID#: 3DAD-07 BOOTABLE?: Bootable On Side One: Power Cat is a disk librarian which will sort and catalog over 5000 individual files and programs scattered over up to 500 floppy diskettes or on Profile or other hard disk. The Power Cat report can be used to quickly locate current or correct versions of files scattered around your not always perfectly organized filing system. The programs will produce a table of contents of all directories and sub-directories which have been scanned followed by a listing, sorted by file name, of all files selected. Each file will carry a reference number indicating the specific directory in the table of contents which it is associated with. This format allows more concise and readable reporting. Sorting is accomplished with a high-speed assembler language quiksort routine which effectively eliminates sort time as a performance factor. USER.MANUAL: Complete instructions. On Side Two: Basic XRF is a utility program that will produce a Sorted Cross-Reference of all Variables in any Business Basic program - showing all variables used in the program followed by a list of every program line that variable is used in. It is written in a combination of Basic and Assembler and uses sophisticated hashing and linked-list algorithms for speed and compactness. Compiled under Basic GTO to increase speed up to 62%. BASIC XRF runs automatically at the prompt, or may be run using the Menu.Maker program by highlighting "RUN.XRF" and pressing return. The program will prompt you for the full pathname of the program to be cross-referenced, e.g. .PROFILE/BASIC/TEST/MYPGM (This file should not be "Locked"). XREF will then proceed to process through your program displaying the current line number being processed and a clock-line display to verify that something is happening. The program will finally prompt you for an output destination for the cross-reference listing. This may be a file or listing device such as .PRINTER. USER.MANUAL: Complete documentation.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Basic Extension DISK ID#: 3DAD-08 BOOTABLE?: Bootable Basic Extension is a series of Basic Invokables placed into the Public Domain by Foxware, Inc. of Salt Lake City, UT. Basic Extension can: speed up programs; save disk space; add new functions; decrease development time. Routines include Matrix R/W, Block and Ftype; Move and Searrarray; Con, Reboot, Reset, Bit and Upshift. Side One: Boot disk and Basic Extension Invokables. Invokables on Side One : BIT.INV : Bit.inv consists of two routines: 'Band' and 'Bor'. Band performs a Binary AND of two integer numbers. Bor provides a Binary OR. BLOCK.INV: Block.inv consists of two routines: Wblock (write block) and Rblock (read block). Their purpose is to allow reading and writing of 'blocks' of information from disk drives. CON.INV : One of the two routines included in Con is 'Buff'. It provides the ability to: 1. Clear the type ahead buffer of all characters that have not yet been processed. 2. Set the size of the type ahead buffer to any length between 0 & 127 characters. FYTPE.INV: Ftype consists of two routines: Gftype (get file type) and Cftype (change file type). They allow your program to inspect the type of a file and/or change it. MATRW.INV : Matrw.inv is a group of procedures which provide high speed disk access, and can reduce disk storage usage by more than 30%. The name 'Matrw.inv' stands for 'Matrix Read Write Invokable'. MOVE.INV : Move contains two routines: Movenum (Move numeric) and Movestr (Move string). They both perform similar functions. Move works on numeric arrays while Movestr works on string arrays. Their purpose is to move strings of arrays. REBOOT.INV : Reboot zeros all memory, clears the screen, displays "INSERT SYSTEM DISKETTE & REBOOT"in 40 column black and white, and hangs. Hold down the CONTROL key and press reset to reboot. RESET.INV : Reset.inv is an invokable modual that provides the ability to enable and disable the RESET and CONTROL-RESET functions. If the resets are disabled, pressing RESET or CONTROL and RESET together will have no effect. SEARARRAY.INV :Seararray searches a string array for a specified group of characters. It is similar in function to INSTR, but acts on a entire array instead of only one string. Also it can ignore differences between upper and lower case letters during the search. UPSHIFT.INV :Upshift is a routine that changes all of the lower letters in a string to upper case. Only letters are affected. Numbers and symbols are not changed. On Side Two: ARRAY.DOC :Information about Array routines in Basic Extension. BIT.DOC :Information about Bit.Inv. BLOCK.DEMO :Basic program demonstrating Block.Inv. BLOCK.DOC :Information about Block.Inv. BYTE :BYTE Font CON.DOC :Information about Con.Inv. DEMOS.DOC :Information about the demonstrations on this disk side. DISK.DOC :Information about the disk routines in Basic Extension. DISKCOPY.DEMO :Demonstration of the disk copy routine. ERRORS.DOC :Information about errors you might encounter. EXTENSION.MENU :Menu program for Basic Extension. FILECOPY.DEMO :Demonstration of the file copy routine. FONT.EDIT.DEMO :Demonstration of the font editing routine. FTYPE.DOC :Information about FTYPE.Inv. GEN.DOC :General information about the Basic Extension invokables. MATRW.DEMO :Demonstration of MATRW.inv. MENDF.DOC :Information about this routine that can shorten files after the current read/write position. MMULTI.DOC :Info on using Basic Extenion with multi-dimed Arrays. MOPEN.DOC :Information on Mat Open (opens Binary files). MOVE.DOC :Information about Move.Inv. MSETPOS.DOC :MSETPOS sets cursor at next read/write position. MWNUM.DOC :Writes a numeric array into the file with ref. # is "%NUM". MWSTR.DOC :Writes a string array into the file with ref. # "%NUM". PRINTER.DOC :Information on printing doc files. RCHAR.DEMO :Read Character Demonstration. REBOOT.DOC :Information about REBOOT.Inv. RESET.DOC :Information on RESET.Inv. SEARARRAY.DEMO :Demonstration of SEARARRAY.Inv. SEARARRAY.DOC :Information about SEARARRAY.Inv. SORT.DEMO :Sort Demonstration. STANDARD :Standard Font File. TITLE.DOC :Title page used with Basic Extension Menu program. UPSHIFT.DOC :Information about Upshift.Inv. UTILITY.DOC :Information about the five utility routines provided in Basic Extension.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Power Keys DM+ DISK ID#: 3DAD-09 BOOTABLE?: Nonbootable Power Keys DM+ is a powerful background utility (like Sidekick) originally produced by D.A.Datasystems. This disk contains not only the Power Keys .Console driver, but EVERY module ever produced along with comprehensive manuals. NOT FOR THE NOVICE USER. The Source Code for Power Keys are on Disks 3SRC-02 and 03) On Side One: NEW.CONSOLE :Power Keys .Console Driver INTRO.MANUAL :Introduction to Power Keys INSTALL.MANUAL :Installing Power Keys CONCLUDE.MANUAL: Suggestions for Use, Glossary, Error Messages and Problem Resolution. READ.ME.FIRST : What you'll find on this disk. NOTICE : Copyright Notice. PKY Power Keys Boot Directory containing : MODULES Power Keys Modules Directory containing: POWER.KEYS - the main Power Keys program module DEFAULT.KBD The default macro keymap loaded at boot time NULL.KBD Empty keymap for use in erasing all definitions NOTEHLP.NTE NotePad file w. summary of the NotePad commands OTHER.MODULES (Subdirectory) ASCI.TBL :Displays a table of the presently loaded ASCII character set. SHOWTIME :Displays the system date and time (requires clock chip). QUIKSCRN :Print a copy of any text screen being displayed by your program. QUIK.CAT :Catalog the directory/subdirectory of files on any disk. PRINTMGR :Send complex "setup codes" directly to your printer. DISK.MGR :Format disks or copy any file from within any program. QUIKDIAL :Modem owners can directly dial a telephone number. NOTE.PAD :Maintain an instant "scratchpad" of reminders, etc. FONTLOAD: Switch system display fonts with a few keystrokes. QUIKCRPT: File encryption or encoding module. QUIKCALC: A full-function calculator. FILESCAN: Page through a document, viewing 22 lines at a time. LOCK.OUT: Password protection for your Apple ///. QUIK.MON: Enter the Apple /// System Monitor while in any program. TYPERITE: Connect your keyboard to your printer. MODULOAD: Dynamically load Power Keys modules to suit your needs. On Side Two: MAIN.MANUAL :Power Keys DM+ User Manual. HELLO.TEXT :/// SIG Hello ADVANCED.MANUAL :Advanced features of Power Keys. LIMITS.MANUAL :Review of what Power Keys CANNOT do. OTHER MANUALS (subdirectory) ASCI.TBL; SHOWTIME; QUIKSCRN; QUIK.CAT; PRINTMGR; DISK.MGR; NOTE.PAD QUIKDIAL; TYPERITE; QUIKCALC; FILESCAN; QUIKCRPT; LOCK.OUT; QUIK.MON FONTLOAD; MODULOAD BUGS & PROBLEMS *** (1) Although we note it in the documentation we re-iterate it here that the PWR.KEYS file (the main module) must remain the FIRST file in the /MODULES directory. Some folks regularly use the Public Domain "Directory Sorter" program on their entire (hard) disk. Doing this might, for instance, sort Asci.Tbl first and cause Power Keys to hang when entered. You may, if you wish, rename PWR.KEYS to AA.PWRKY or somesuch which will sort first. The renaming will not affect program function. (2) Some folks appear to be running into problems with QuikScrn in particular when used in conjunction with the Titan "3+2e" system and its .RAM driver. This appears to be caused by the large size of the .RAM driver. (3) The QuikScreen "At-Curs" function is no longer supported.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: Ram+3/Two-N-Fro /// 128K DISK ID#: 3DAD-10 BOOTABLE?: Bootable This disk contains two programs from Daryl Anderson. On side one you will find Ram+3, a series of Ram disk drivers designed specifically for the Titan ///+// and ///+//e cards. They make the RAM disk on either much more useful. On side two is 2NFro, a beta-version program designed to return the user from Titan 3+2E Emulation to Catalyst or Selector. On Side One: RAM128.DRIVER :Compact 128K RAM Driver for the ///+//e Cards. RAM128F.DRIVER :Enhanced version of RAM128 with autoformat at bootup. RAM140.DRIVER :A full 140K RAM Disk equal to .D1, .D2 etc. RAMPLUS3.MANUAL :How to use the RAM+3 Drivers. OLD.3PLUS2.VRSN (Subdirectory) RAM140.DRIVER :A full 140K RAM Disk equal to .D1, .D2, etc. RAM128.DRIVER :Compact 128K RAM Disk Driver for the ///+// card. RAM128F.DRIVER:Enhanced verions of RAM128 with autoformat at bootup. On Side Two (2NFro)(Listing does not include invokables, etc.) ASCII.2NFRO :ASCII version of INSTALL.2NFRO (includes instructions). DA.BIB.ASCII :ASCII text version of DATASYSTEMS.BIB. DATASYSTEMS.BIB :3EZ Pieces Bibliography of articles about DA Datasystems. INSTALL.2NFRO :Basic program to install 2NFRO.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME : PowerScreen by Tim Harrington DISK ID # 3DAD-11 BOOTABLE ? Yes - Side One Only (to read manual) Module Name Code : PSCREEN Memory Usage : 3.5K REQUIRES POWERKEYS DM+ (3SIG PD DISK 3DAD-09) Brief description : PowerScreen is a screen dump utility for use with Darryl Anderson's Powerkeys utility for the Apple ///. It allows you to dump either the current Power Keys screen (e.g. Keymap, Notepad, Ascii Table) or the user program screen (e.g. Help screens in Apple Writer, Driver setup in SCP, menu in /// EZ Pieces). Functions: (1) You can print the entire screen or any rectangle that you define with the arrow keys. (2) You can abort the dump in case you specified the wrong file name or device name. (3) You can suppress carriage returns and/or linefeeds. If you suppress carriage returns, PowerScreen will add a space where the carriage return would have been. This is so you can dump a paragraph from one program and have your favorite word processor (re)define the margins. ** NOTE - This was originally a Royaltyware offering by Tim Harrington through TAU - the Third Apple Users Group. ALSO ON THIS DISK: Another Powerkeys module called "QSCR.235" - undocumented.
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/