Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Apple /// Public Domain Library Order Information

A3 Top

Washington Apple Pi no longer sells disks from the Apple /// Public Domain Library. The developer of the library is looking at other ways to make the library available. In the shortterm, please email: a3info@verizon.net for more information.

Pricing as of November, 2005:

All disks $2.00 each ($1.75 each for 5 or more when ordered together)
Postage: $1.00 per disk (up to a maximum of $5.00) (more for overseas delivery - email for pricing)
BOS /// (last update to the /// OS) - $10.00 plus $2.00 p/h
A3 DVD (set of two) - $30.00 plus $5.00 p/h

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Apple /// Resources

Revised November, 2005 dgo
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/