Disk ID#: 3GRX-15
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS Name: PRINT SHOP GRAPHICS Disk ID#: 3GRX-15 Bootable? Not Bootable This is our fourth disk of graphics that can be used with your Apple ///. This disk continues our offering of a whole series of graphics that begin with A and will ultimately end with Z. These graphics are all converted Print Shop Apple // graphics and come from many sources. However, it was due to the work of John Ruffatto that we were able to get them to you in this form. John provided the Apple // graphics and your SIG did the conversions using On Three's Graphics Manager. Use any /// graphics program to look at or work with these. But because there were so many, we have placed SIX graphics into each file and in some cases more. SIDE A ALL GRAPHICS FILES ARE 33 BLOCKS LONG. B7 *BALLOONS.1 *BALLOONS.2 *BALLOONS.3 *BALLOT *BALLSPIN *BAM B8 *BAN.THE.BOMB *BANANA *BAND *BANDAGE *BANDIT *BANDITO B9 *BANG *BANJO *BANK *BAR *BAR.CODE *BARBER.INS B10 *BARBER.SHOP *BARN *BASEBALL.1 *BASEBALL.2 *BASEBALL.3 *BASEBALL.4 B11 *BASEBALL.5 *BASEBALL.6 *BASEBALL.7 *BASEBALL.8 *BASKET.1 *BASKET.2 B12 *BASKET.3 *BASKETBALL.1 *BASKETBALL.2 *BASKETBALL.3 *BASKETBALL.4 *BASKETBALL.5 B13 *BASKETBALL.6 *BASKETBALL.7 *BASKETBALL.PA. *BASS *BASSET B14 *BASSINET *BASSIST *BAT.1 *BAT.2 *BAT.3 *BAT.4 SIDE B ALL GRAPHICS FILES ARE 33 BLOCKS LONG. B15 *BAT.5 *BAT.6 *BATHTUB *BATS.1 *BATS.2 *BATTER.1 B16 *BATTER.2 *BATTLESHIP *BATTY *BB.LOGO *BBS *BE.MINE B17 *BEACH.1 *BEACH.2 *BEACH.BALL *BEACH.BUCKET *BEACH.RISE *BEAGLE B18 *BEAGLE.BROS.1 *BEAGLE.BROS.2 *BEAR.1 *BEAR.2 *BEAR.3 *BEAR.4 B19 *BEAR.5 *BEAR.6 *BEAR.FOOL *BEATLES *BEAUTY.PARLOR *BEAUTY.SHOP B20 *BEAVER.1 *BEAVER.2 *BEAVER.3 *BECKY *BEE *BEER.1 B21 *BEER.2 *BEER.3 *BEER.MUG *BEETLE.BAILEY *BEGGAR.1 *BEGGAR.2 B22 *BEHIND.8.BALL *BEHIND.BARS *BELL.1 *BELL.2 *BELLS.1 *BELLS.2
Disk ID#: 3GRX-16
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS Name: Print Shop Graphics #5 Disk ID#: 3GRX-16 Bootable? Not Bootable This is our fifth disk of graphics that can be used with your Apple ///. This disk continues our offering of a whole series of graphics that begin with A and will ultimately end with Z. These graphics are all converted Print Shop Apple // graphics and come from many sources. However, it was due to the work of John Ruffatto that we were able to get them to you in this form. John provided the Apple // graphics and your SIG did the conversions using On Three's Graphics Manager. Use any /// graphics program to look at or work with these. But because there were so many, we have placed SIX graphics into each file and in some cases more. This should not present a problem, but if you have trouble, please contact your /// SIG for help. SIDE A ALL GRAPHICS FILES ARE 33 BLOCKS LONG. B23 BELLS.2 BELLS.3 BELLY.DANCER.1 BELLY.DANCER.2 BERT BETTY.BOOP.1 B24 BETTY.BOOP.2 BIBLE.1 BIBLE.2 BIBLE.3 BICYCLING BIG.APE B25 BIG.BEN BIG.BIRD BIG.BLUE BIG.CATCH BIG.DIAMOND BIG.MOUTH B26 BIG.RIG BIKE.1 BIKE.2 BIKE.3 B27 BIKE.4 BIKE.5 BIKER BINGO.1 BINGO.2 BIPLANE.1 B28 BIPLANE.2 BIPLANE.3 BIPLANE.4 BIPLANE.5 BIRD.1 BIRD.2 B29 BIRD.3 BIRD.4 BIRD.5 BIRD.6 BIRD.WATCHER BIRDHOUSE B30 BIRDS.ON.A.LINE BIRTHDAY.CAKE.1 BIRTHDAY.CAKE.2 BIRTHDAY.CAKE.3 BIRTHDAY.CAKE.4 BIRTHDAY.MP SIDE B BISHOP.1 BISHOP.2 BISON BLACK.BOARD BLACK.JACK.1 BLACK.JACK.2 BLACK.SHEEP BLACK.TIE BLACK.WOMAN BLAM.1 BLAM.2 BLAST.OFF BLIMP.1 BLIMP.2 BLIMP.3 BLIMP.4 BLOCK..1 BLOCK..2 BLOCK..TREE.1 BLOCK..TREE.2 BLOCK..TREE.3 BLOCK.A BLOCK.B BLOCK.C BLOCK.D BLOCK.E BLOCK.F BLOCK.G BLOCK.H BLOCK.I BLOCK.J BLOCK.K BLOCK.L BLOCK.M BLOCK.N BLOCK.O BLOCK.P BLOCK.Q BLOCK.R BLOCK.S BLOCK.T BLOCK.U BLOCK.V BLOCK.W BLOCK.X BLOCK.Y BLOCK.Z BLOCKS BLOODHOUND BLOUSE
Disk ID#: 3GRX-17
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PD Name : Print Shop Graphics #6 Disk ID#: 3GRX-17 Bootable? Not Bootable This is our sixth graphics disk for use with Apple /// graphics programs like Draw On ///, Graphics Manager or Sketchpad. All of these graphics were originally developed using the Apple // program called Print Shop. You will generally find SIX graphics per foto file. In some cases, if we could fit them in, there are more. This disk continues a lengthy process of converting literally thousands of graphics from the Apple // to the Apple ///. The /// SIG wishes to thank John Ruffatto, the /// SIG Librarian for allowing us to use his huge collection to get things rolling. All the conversions were done using Mel Astrahan's fantastic Graphics Manager program. It rates as one of the best Apple /// programs ever produced! Side One: B39 BOB BOBBIE.HAT BOBCAT.1 BOBCAT.2 BOBCAT.3 BOGART B40 BOMB BLAST.1 BOMB BLAST.2 BOMBER BON.VOYAGE.1 BON.VOYAGE.2 BONG B41 BONZAI.PLANT BOO.1 BOO.2 BOO.3 BOO.HOO BOOK.1 B42 BOOK.2 BOOK.3 BOOKS.1 BOOKS.2 BOOKS.3 BOOKSHELF B43 BOOKWORM.1 BOOKWORM.2 BOOKWORM.3 BOOKWORM.4 BOOM.1 BOOM.2 B44 BOOM.BOX BOOTS.1 BOOTS.2 BOSS BOTANY BOTTLE B45 BOTTLE BOTTLES BOUQUET.1 BOUQUET.2 BOW BOW..ARROW B46 BOWL BOWL.BALL.PIN BOWLER BOWLING.1 BOWLING.2 BOWLING.3 BOWLING.4 SIDE 2 B47 BOWLING.B.P BOWLING.PIN BOWLING.PINS BOWMAN BOX.1 BOX.2 B48 BOXCAR.1 BOXCAR.2 BOXER.1 BOXER.2 BOXING.1 BOXING.2 B49 BOXING.3 BOY.1 BOY.2 BOY.3 BOY.GEORGE BOY.STUDENT B50 BRAC BRAC.MAILBOX BRANCH BRASS.1 BRASS.2 ** NOTE THERE IS NO B51 FILE B52 BRAVE BREAKFAST BREW.1 BREW.2 BRICK.1 BRICK.2 B53 BRICK.3 BRIDGE BRIDGESPAN BRIEFCASE.1 BRIEFCASE.2 BRIGHT.IDEA.1 B54 BRIGHT.IDEA.2 BRITISH.FLAG.1 BRITISH.FLAG.2 BRITISH.FLAG.3 BROKEN.ARM..LEG BRONCO B55 BROOM.HILDA BROWNIE.PIN BRUCE.COUNTY BRUSH BRUSH.PAINT BSA.1
Disk ID#: 3GRX-18
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PLOTING AND GRAPHING WITH THE /// PDS NAME: Graphics Utilities DISK ID#: 3GRX-18 BOOTABLE?: Bootable A series of utility programs in Basic by Dr. Carlo Infante. Mostly designed for use with a plotter, these programs can be looked at for ideas on how to program using graphics. On Side One: -: BUS.GRAPH : Business Basic program that produces a bar graph. -: FREQ.PLOTS : Business Basic program that produces frequency plots. -: GRAPH.PAP.PL : Business Basic program that prints graph paper on a -: plotter. -: PLOT.UTIL : Business Basic plot utility program. -: WEIGHT.CHART : Business Basic weight chart program for a plotter. -: CRT.IK.VD.PL : Business Basic program to measure CRT current. -: GRATICULE : Business Basic program to generate standard scope -: graticule. -: RES.4.GRAPH.S2 : Business Basic program that graphs four of the -: resolution definitions. -: INSTRUCTIONS : How to use this disk. Side Two Contains: -: DCM.TEXT : This program reads a data file of binary or text in format -: and enables plotting of the data. -: DCMA.TEXT: This is a graphics dump utility. Excellent discussion about -: Apple /// graphics.
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/