Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Washington Apple Pi

Apple /// Disk Library

Information Part II



PDS NAME: The Best of ATUNC #5
BOOTABLE? Bootable

-: -SORCERER     : Programming on the Apple ///.
-: -SORCERER.PT2.: Text Screen Control in Basic.
-: -SORCERER.PT4 : Animated Graphics.
-: -SORCERER.PT5 : Track Ball; Assembly Language Basics.
-: -SORCERER.PT6 : The REMark Indexer.

-: -DRIVER.SIZES  :  Driver sizes.
-: -DRIVER.SIZES.2:  More on Drivers and their impact on Apple /// programs.
-: -SOS.BASICS    :  What is SOS and what does it do?
-: -SOS.DRVR.HINT :  How to get some insurance before working on SOS.Driver.
-: -SOS.DRVR.SIZES:  Updated list of drivers and their size/version.
-: -SOS.DRVR.SPACE:  Dealing with Driver space limitations.
-: -SPEED.CALCS   :  Using Control 5 to speed up calculations.

-: -GRAF.N.CALC.DEM :  Describes a demo of Graf.N.Calc.
-: -HABAMERGE       :  Can you run ProDos on your ///?
-: -KEYSTROKE.A143  :  Keystroke Data Base and the Micro Sci A-143 DDrive.
-: -KEYSTROKE.PROB  :  Writer needs help Keystroke A-143 Problem.
-: -LOCKSMITH.INF   :  Locksmith 5.0 bug and how to deal with it.
-: -LOCKSMTH.BUG    :  Profile must be off to use Quickcopy in Locksmith.
-: -MAIL.LST.MG.CON :  Converting MLM files to make them easier to work with.
-: -PASCAL.TOOLKIT  :  Includes a Sort.Directory program.
-: -SENIOR.NET      :  Information about the Senior Net computer network.
On Side Two:

-: -SYS.CONFIGURAT  :   The System Configurtion Program and how to use it.
-: -SYSUTIL.TIPS    :   Little known utilities for the Sys Utilities.
-: -TWO.STAGE.BOOT  :   Creating a two-stage boot for Pascal programs.
-: -UPGRADESOS.1.3  :   How to upgrade your disks to SOS.Kernal v. 1.3.
-: -A3.TO.A3.COM    :   Moving information from one A3 to another.
-: -A3.TO.IBM.COM   :   Moving information from an A3 to MS-Dos.
-: -COMPUSOURCE     :   Hooking up to CompuSource BBS.
-: -MODEM.ELIMINATOR:   What is the purpose of a modem eliminator?
-: -MODEM.HOOKUP    :   Can you hook up an internal modem in a ///?
-: -TELECOMMUN      :   Trying out a modem and Telecom software.
-: -TELECOMMUNICATI :   Description of the various /// telecom programs.

-: -A3.EZ.REPAIRS    :  Easy repairs most ///ers can expect to do.
-: -BADDISK.WARNING  :  Problems with one brand of floppy disks.
-: -BOOT.FROM.A2     :  Switching your .D2 Drive with .D1
-: -CLOCK.RESET      :  How to reset the A3 Clock on January 1.
-: -CONFIDENCE.DOC   :  Using the Confidence Disk for RAM problems.
-: -CONFIDENCE.DOC2  :  More on what each Confidence Disk test means.
-: -DIAG.DISKS.INST  :  Diagnostics Disks available for the ///.
-: -DISK.CHECK.UTIL  :  A discussion of this disk utility program.
-: -DISK3.ADJUST     :  The Disk 3's flywheel has sync bars on it.
-: -DISK3.BYPASS     :  Bypassing the Disk 3's Write Protect Switch.
-: -DISK3.MAINT      :  Tips to help maintain your Apple /// Disk Drives.
-: -FATAL.ERR.CODES  :  Fatal Error Codes for the Apple ///.
-: -KEYBOARDKEY.FIX  :  Replace a Keyboard Key Yourself.
-: -MOTHERBOARD.ID   :  Motherboard ID and Hints.
-: -NOT.BOOTING      :  Check the "On Lamp" if your /// won't boot.
-: -ON.LAMP.RAMERR   :  "On Lamp" problems and how to fix them.
-: -PROFILE.HELP     :  Profile and Apple Writer word processing tips.
-: -PROFILE.REFORMT  :  Reformatting a Profile and what it entails.
-: -RAM.TEST.1 & RAM.TEST.2   :Internal RAM test procedures and tips.
-: -TEMPERATURE.PB   :  Heat problems can cause trashed data.
-: -TIPS.BOOK        :  Canadian Apple /// group compiling Tips book.

-: -TITAN3.2.BUG     :  Mouspaint won't work in ///+// emulation mode.
-: -TITAN3.2.CARD    :  Description of the Titan ///+// board.
-: -TITAN3.2.INFO    :  Good and bad features of the ///+// board.
-: -TITAN3.2.SUPPOR  :  Letter asking for help to get 80 column version.
-: -TITAN3.2E.CARD   :  Some thoughts about the ///+//e cards.

Updated: March, 1995



PDS NAME: The Best of ATUNC #6
DISK ID#: 3INF-11              
BOOTABLE? Bootable            

DESCRIPTION: The final installment of Robert Howell's "Best of ATUNC" disks.

On Side One:
-: -TITAN3.2E.SLOTS   :  Discussion of the jumpers on the Titan ///+//e
                         cards and how to install a switch to allow easy
                         changes in the jumper positions without having to go
                         into the /// every time.
-: -ATUNC.FUTURE.1    : Why does ATUNC exist?  Discussion and Questionaire.
-: -ATUNC.FUTURE.2    : Answers to questionaire.
-: -ATUNC.PHILOS      : Why it pays to be a member of ATUNC.
-: -USERGP.ORG        : What needs to be done to keep ATUNC moving.
-: -USERGPS.HOW.TO    : How to get more involved with ATUNC
-: -USERGPS.MISSION   : What is the mission of a user group?

-: MORE.SORC.AP :This SUBDIRECTORY contains a number of the Business
-:               Basic programs as discussed in the Sorcerer's Apprentice
-:               articles.  They include: PECULAR6A.X; PECULIAR6A.SLOW;
-:               PECULIAR4; PECULIAR5; PECULIAR6.  Note these will NOT
-:               return to Menu.Maker.
On Side Two:
-: - CONSTELATN.DSK  :  Documents an ATUNC PD "Constellation" Disk.
-: - DELETE.KEY.DRVR :  Add an On Three delete key to your Apple ///.
-: - DELETE.KEY.MAKE :  Another way to add a delete key to your ///.
-: - DIR.LABELER     :  Discussion of Directory Labeler /// v. 1.3.
-: - DIR.SEARCH      :  Some notes about directory searching.
-: - DIRECTORY.LABEL :  Meeting topic will be Directory Labeler ///.
-: - DIRECTY.SEARCH  :  Tips on searching directories.
-: - FILE.RECOVERY   :  Review of On Three's Lazarus file recovery pgm.
-: - JEPPSON.DISAS   :  An ATUNC member updates the Jeppson Disassembler.
-: - POWERKEYS.AD    :  Ad for DA Datasystem's Powerkeys utility.
-: - POWERKEYS.DUMP  :  The Powerkey's Keyboard layout can be printed.
-: - POWERKEYS.REVW  :  A review of Powerkeys.
-: - RAM.DISK        :  A review of DA Datasystem's Ramdisk Drivers for
-:                      the Titan ///+// and //e cards.

-: -SPREADSHT.SIZE  : 3EZP Spreadsheet vs. Visicalc spreadsheet size.
-: -VISI.AP2.TO.A3  : Converting Apple // VC files to Apple ///.
-: -VISI.BRIDGE     : Telecom pgm for Dow Jones that uses DIF files
-: -VISI.COMMANDS   : Advanced VC commands - Part 2
-: -VISI.INFO       : Advanced VC commands/Info - Part 1
-: -VISI.N.LOTUS123 : Describes PC Magazine article comparing the two
-: -WORDJUG.INVERSE:  How to make the Word Juggle screen look "Normal"
-: -WORDJUG.PROB   :  Dealing with large files without losing the Data
-: -WORDJUG.REV    :  Positive (tho short) review of Word Juggler
-: -WORDJUG.SEARCH :  Tip on looking through a long Word Juggler document
-: BEST.DIRECTORY  :  PowerCat listing of ALL Six Best of Atunc disks
-:                    and where to find any given file.



Disk ID : 3INF-12

        On this double-sided disk, you will find some of the Apple ///
articles once available on Ed Gooding's ///'s Company BBS.  ///'s Company was
the finest /// Bulletin Board System in the United States.  A menu of what
you might have found is on side two under the "Company.Menu" file.
        This disk includes not only how-to articles, but reviews, tips and
information about various Apple /// products.  The WAP /// SIG has attempted
to update where necessary, but urges the user to double-check any given
addresses or phone numbers before attempting to order any product that might
be mentioned.
        As a bonus, we have included the basic program "Super.Trek" on side
two.  You can run it directly from your Menu.Maker menu.

On Side One:

CATALYST.INFO   :Catalyst works with all storage devices, etc.
CLOCK.KIT       :How to install the Apple /// clock kit.
DISK.DIRECTORY  :Restoring a disk whose directory is damaged.
EMULATION.TIPS  :Modify your emulation disk to allow reset to monitor.
MAC.N.BAK       :How to get information back and forth between a Mac and ///.
POWER.SUPPLY    :How to replace your power supply.
READ.ME.FIRST   :This file.
UPGRADE.256K    :How to upgrade from a 128K to 256K Apple ///.

On Side Two:

BATTERY.BACKUP  :Install a battery backup for your clock chip.
BPI             :Installing BPI w/o the /system disk in .D1.
COMPANY.MENU    :///'s Company Menu
COMPAT.65C02    :Discussion about compatibility of the /// & 65c02 chip.
CURSOR.MOD      :How to modify your cursor /// joystick to work in // mode.
EDD.COPY.HELP   :Tips on using this nibble copier with Apple /// software.
EMULATION       :Tips on working with emulation mode on the ///.
EZPS.PROBLEMS   :Solving a printer problem using 3EZ Pieces.
FILE.RECOVERY   :Disk file recovery using the Pascal Filer.
HARD.DISKS      :How to disassemble a Profile Hard Disk.
LASER.PRINTERS  :Using a laser printer on an Apple ///.
MONITOR.CMDS    :List of Apple /// monitor commands.
PROTECT.BYPASS  :How to bypass the write protect switch on a disk ///.
REVIEWS         :Calendar Pak ///, Merge ///, Basic GTO.
SUPER.TREK      :The Basic game.
TIPS.1          :A number of truely great software tips for use on the Apple
                 /// in programs like System Utilities and AppleWriter.
VIDEO.HELPS     :How to get composite color from your Apple ///.



BOOTABLE? Side One Only

      This WAP /// SIG Disk contains two more sides of information originally
downloaded from Ed Gooding's ///'s Company BBS.  On this disk, you'll
find a great deal of material on using Quark's Catalyst "Program Selector"
program, information about /// EZ Pieces, how to program in 6502 Assembly 
Language and much, much more.
        To help you sort through this material, we've listed each file for
you below and added a line of information about each one.  We hope you 
find them useful and fun! Updated with Menu.Maker 6.1.


Type    Blocks Name

 Text       5  AW.JUSTIFY       :How to justify with control characters in

 Text      27  BASIC.ERROR.CKR : Basic Check Routine that can be added to
                                 any program. 
 Text       6  CATALYST.2.1    : Discussion on this last version of Catalyst.

 Text       6  CATALYST.COMPAT : Catalyst for the Apple /// - Now compatible
                                 with all drives!   

 Text      17  CATALYST.COPY3  : How to make Copy /// by Digital Microware
                                 compatible with Catalyst 2.1.

 Text       6  CATALYST.DCTORY : Directory Damage with Catalyst.

 Text       3  CATALYST.DRAWON : Using DRAW ON /// with Catalyst.

 Text       5  CATALYST.EMMODE : Using the Titan ///+][ Emulation under

 Text      11  CATALYST.PFS    : How to get PFS running under Catalyst.
 Text       3  CONTROL.RESET   : How to be able to CONTROL - RESET out of
                                 any program.

 Text       4  EZP.BUG         : /// EZ Pieces Printer Bug.

 Text       4  FOTO.FILES      : Changing /// Foto files to ][ Binary Files
                                 and back.

 Text       7  LOCK.SOS        : Locking SOS Files.

 Text       7  OKIDATA.SERIAL  : Problems and Solutions for this printer.

 Text       5  WORD.JUGGLER    : Notes on using Word Juggler and
                                 loading/saving with/sans control characters.


Type    Blocks Name

 Text       5  AW.ASCII.NULL     : AppleWriter patch for Control 0 (ASCII

 Text      27  BACKUP.PROBLEMS   : Dealing with Backup /// (sometimes!).

 Text       7  CODEFILE.REVIEW   : Review of a PD program called Codefile

 Text       5  EZP.FIXES         : Printer and other problems discussed.

 Text      38  EZP.FORMATS       : File Formats for 3EZPS (AppleWorks).
 Text       5  MERGE.QUICKFILE   : How to merge Quickfile files.

 Text      56  MORE.ON.FONTS     : Using Apple /// fonts.

 Direct     1  PROGRAM.6502      : These set of files describe various
                                   aspects of programming in 6502 
                                   Assembly Code.
 Text       9  ABSOLUTE.CODE
 Text       6  CALC.PGM.SIZE
 Text       6  CLEAR.KEYBOARD
 Text      16  CLOCK.N.SLOTS
 Text       5  FILE.TYPES
 Text      16  LEARN.TO.PGM
 Text       7  TITAN.RAMDISK
 Text       3  UNUSED.MEMORY
 Text       4  WHICH.DRIVERS

 Text       5  SUPER.AW.FIX1     : How to fix Super AppleWriter to look for
                                   the Starup program on a harddisk (already
                                   on WAP PD disk 3WDP-01.)

 Text      16  SUPER.AW.FIX2     : Fix for single page print bug (already
                                   done on PD disk 3WDP-01.)

 Text      10  RENAMER.PGM     : Basic program to EXEC that will allow you
                                 to rename a file.



PDS NAME:  Phase /// Conference Plus!
DISK ID :  3INF-14
BOOTABLE?  Side One Only

Phase /// was an Apple Computer Conference held during October,
1987 in Wheaton, Illinois.  Sponsored by The Third Apple Users Group (TAU),
The Conference included a number of sessions about the Apple ///.  
This disk contains transcriptions of some of those sessions.  Also 
included are interviews done with the Apple ///'s developer Dr. Wendell
Sander and Apple's Andy Hertzfeld (on the ///).

On Side One you will find:

HERTZFELD.INT     : An interview with Andy Hertzfeld about the Apple ///.
POHLMAN.BASIC     : Taylor Pohlman talks about Business Basic.
SANDER.INT        : An interview with Dr. Wendell Sander on the ///.

On Side Two:
ASTRAHAN.GPHCS    :Dr. Mel Astrahan discusses Apple /// graphics.
DOGGETT.MLM       :Banks Doggett Jr. discusses Dr. Al Bloom's Mail List
                   Manager Utilities.
GOODING.WPL       :Ed Gooding on AppleWriter's Word Processing Language.
POHLMAN.GSBASIC   :Taylor Pohlman on development of GS Basic from the
                   Apple ///'s Business Basic.
WILLIAMS.A3HIST   :Don Williams takes a humurous look at SARA's early



DISK ID  : 3INF-15
BOOTABLE ? Side One Only

Notes as originally complied by:

D A DataSystems
3792 Windover Dr.                                 
Hamburg, NY  14075                                         

(DA Datasystems no longer exists - all its programs were placed into the PD)

Introducing OMNIS 3 for the Apple ///

OMNIS 3 has been available for the Apple /// for almost 4 years (we saw an
advertisement in an old 1981 British Apple magazine); and it has gained a 
reputation over those years as being one of the most powerful Database 
Managers available for the machine. 

Unfortunately it also gained a reputation for carrying with it a somewhat 
"inaccessible" User Manual. Mostly this was a result of two things. The 
system was originally developed in Britain and the examples in the manual 
(and marketing literature) occasionally slip into Pounds and British Postal 
codes and similar idioms which often add an extra level of potential 
mis-understanding to the otherwise quite complete examples. Additionally the 
system was originally developed under the UCSD Pascal System which allowed 
eventual "ports" of the program to the wide variety of machines appearing on 
the scene in those halcyon days of the early 80's. (Nowadays you just do an 
IBM and maybe a Mac version ...sigh). This led to a manual that was scattered
with notes to the effect that 'Apple ][ users should ignore the next
paragraph', 'Apple /// users should skip this section...' and similar 
interruptions of the reading.

Additionally I also felt, personally, that the TUTORIAL approach taken by the
documentation was inadequate - I don't like tutorials and rarely have the
patience to take the time to walk through them; the resulting "dartboard" 
attempts to use the program can be frustrating.

Well the program developers, Blythe Software (now with California Offices) 
recognized this but took a quite realistic look at the Apple /// market of 
1985 and hesitated. They have recently released a MacIntosh version of OMNIS 
3 which is drawing RAVE reviews across the board. Their early (premature ?) 
release of an OMNIS 2 for the Mac in the first mac-month with the original 
documentation was roundly panned. So for the new Mac version they did a 
re-write of the entire manual; the result is, we are told, quite well done. 
They did not feel the potential Apple /// sales volume justified a similar 
re-write and neither do we.

But we did still consider OMNIS the most powerful DBMS for the /// - if a bit
pricey for an "orphan" market.

Hence the "Revival" on our part of the program in November 1985 and the 50%
list price reduction (tied, naturally, to some "cross-your-fingers" type 
volume commitments). We have tentatively agreed to take over technical and 
customer support for the /// version from Blythe and will be contacting the 
current users with various support options. In addition we have set about to 
creating a set of ADDENDA to the User Manual in the form of the enclosed 
"TECH NOTES". We will be adding to these and definitely request and expect 
your feedback to this series - such a multi-faceted product can only be 
adequately supported if it stands upon a wide-ranging usage base. We cannot 
alone run OMNIS through all its paces and thus need YOUR feedback and 
comments on YOUR applications to guide us in supporting you and the entire 
user base.


Well I hate to say it but the TECH NOTES series is not a substitute for a 
re-write of the manual. You've just GOT to read the ENTIRE manual first; and 
we cannot see a better, more complete introduction to the program than the 

Having done it ourselves the hard way we suggest that the extra time spent 
plodding through the tutorial/manual now will save hours of thumbing through 
it later - this really is a tremendously flexible and powerful program which 
you probably will build a large percentage of your Apple /// usage around. 
Acknowledging the flaws and occasional omissions of the manual up front we 
still cannot see how you can fill in the holes without knowing the road. So 
we recommend the following "startup" process.

1. Install the system in your floppy or hard-disk based system using the 
guidelines in the manual. Read the /// notes in the manual. Read our NOTES 
#1, 9 and 10 if applicable. 

2. Scan through the entire manual to get a feel primarily for its style and 
general terminology. You will probably find that the regular linking of 
descriptions to specifics of the ongoing tutorial/example makes this stage 

3. Now scan through our TECH NOTES so you will have a sense of when a 
particular note should be pulled up in the following steps.

4. Read through the entirety of the User manual WHILE setting up the sample 
application described in the manual. Take a few 1-2 hour daily sessions to do

5. Now delete those sample files and go ahead and create your own TEST 
database application. We suggest a simple, single-file Address Book with 
indexes on Last Name and Zip and simple reports including one label-style and
one 'boilerplate' letter type. If you maintain name & address data you may
wish to move that data into this application via a DIF file format if 

6. Read through the TECH NOTES again.

7. Finally sit down and DESIGN your first production application ON PAPER. 
Draw up lists of fields and field attributes and sketch our some Entry 
Formats for data entry & retrieval. We strongly recommend a simple "flat 
file" for now. Unless necessary for the initial application try to avoid 
multiple connected files; usually you can work with 2 or 3 single 
applications first then later connect them appropriately. Keep in mind that 
OMNIS is quite flexible in allowing re-configuring of most anything down the 
line (you just need some patience for those long - overnight - file reorgs 

8. You WILL get stalled at times; you will find some elements to be pretty 
obscure as you read & work with them. Give yourself some time climbing this 
learning curve but then do call us if you feel stymied or need some 
assistance. Having myself gone through the process of learning to use the 
beast I know it is regularly frustrating but not too far down the line it 
starts to get exciting as you begin to realize the breadth and depth of 
powerful features at your command in the OMNIS program.

                                      Daryl Anderson



PDS NAME:  TAUTALES VOL 2 - 1983 TO 1984
DISK #  :  3INF.16

        TAU - The Third Apple User's Group - was a wonderful group that 
provided many years of strong support to the Apple /// family. They no 
longer exist - but their legacy of newsletters and disks do. Following
up on our 3INF-05 "Best Of" disk - we're putting ALL the newsletters
we have available from them into our PD. It was at the request of the 
WAP /// SIG that they make these disks available. Sadly, Vol. 1 was
NOT available on disk BUT we do have them on paper. Let your SIG know
if you are interested. We also have their newsletters published AFTER
these disks - but the disks in this series cover the main years that TAU
was primarily an Apple /// group.

On Side One:

Informational files about TAU - from 1987. The group no longer exists.

OLD.TAU.LIBRARY   : What the original TAU PD Library offered in 1987
TAU.INFORMATION   : 1987 info about TAU as a group.
TAU.ROYAL.LIB     : TAU's Royalty library offerings

On Side Two:

TAUTALES Issues 1-12: In the format "Number01" through "Number12"



PDS NAME:  TAUTALES VOL 3 - 1984-1985
DISK #  :  3INF.17

        TAU - The Third Apple User's Group - was a wonderful group that 
provided many years of strong support to the Apple /// family. They no 
longer exist - but their legacy of newsletters and disks do. Following
up on our 3INF-05 "Best Of" disk - we're putting ALL the newsletters
we have available from them into our PD. It was at the request of the 
WAP /// SIG that they make these disks available. Sadly, Vol. 1 was
NOT available on disk BUT we do have them on paper. Let your SIG know
if you are interested. We also have their newsletters published AFTER
these disks - but the disks in this series cover the main years that TAU
was primarily an Apple /// group.

On Side One:

TAUTALES Issues 1-5: In the format "Number01 through Number05
Read.Me.First      : This informational file

On Side Two:

TAUTALES Issues 6-12: In the format "Number06" through "Number12"



PDS NAME:  TAUTALES VOL 4 - 1985-1986
DISK #  :  3INF.18

        TAU - The Third Apple User's Group - was a wonderful group that 
provided many years of strong support to the Apple /// family. They no 
longer exist - but their legacy of newsletters and disks do. Following
up on our 3INF-05 "Best Of" disk - we're putting ALL the newsletters
we have available from them into our PD. It was at the request of the 
WAP /// SIG that they make these disks available. Sadly, Vol. 1 was
NOT available on disk BUT we do have them on paper. Let your SIG know
if you are interested. We also have their newsletters published AFTER
these disks - but this disk and others in the series cover the main years
that TAU was primarily an Apple /// group.

On Side One:

TAUTALES Issues 1-2: In the format "VOL4.NO1" to "VOL4.NO2"
Read.Me.First      : This informational file

On Side Two:

TAUTALES Issues 3-6: In the format "VOL4.NO3" to "VOL4.NO6"

Return to Apple /// Library page
Washington Apple Pi Apple /// Resources

Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/