APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! Dave Ottalini WAP /// SIG DISK 3INET.01 This disk contains the software you'll need to surf the Internet. It also includes some basic information about telecomputing on your /// and the world-famous Apple /// Internet FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions") file. SIDE ONE READ.ME.FIRST : What you'll find on this disk. A3.INTERNET.FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions about using your Apple /// on the Internet TELECOM.INFO : A super tutorial about telecommunications on the ///. SIDE TWO Access /// Interp : Self-booting telecom program that includes VT100 terminal emulation, as mentioned in the A3 Internet FAQ file. ACCESS3.DOC : Complete documentation on using this program.
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.02 SIDE ONE READ.ME.FIRST : What's on this disk (this file) GETTING.STARTED (Directory) : A number of files that are aimed at Apple II and /// users who want to use their machine to surf the Internet. A3.INTERNET.FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions about using your Apple /// on the Internet NET.FOR.NAUGHT : Cheap ways to surf the Internet NEWBIE.BOOKS : Some books about the Internet you might like GROOVY.TERMS : Internet terms you need to know INET.HISTORY : A comprehensive history of the Internet SURFING.INET (DIRECTORY) : A wonderful 2-part guide to the Internet by Jean Armour Polly. We provide a number of guides in these series of disks - but this one is well written and easy to understand. CYBERSURF.1 :Introduction, etc. CYBERSUFT.2 :WWW and more SIDE TWO INET.STARTUP : Another tutorial on getting started on the Internet BEST.A2.SITES : Some of the best Apple II Internet sites
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.03 SIDE ONE READ.ME.FIRST : A compilation of what you'll find on this disk Public.Dialups (Subdirectory) PUBLIC.DIALUP : The cheapest way to get onto the Internet with your /// VAPEN.NETINFO : Info on the Virginia Pen's link to the Internet CAPACCESS : Capaccess and the Internet SAILOR : Use Maryland's Public Library system to surf the Internet! SIDE TWO FAQS.1 (Directory) : A series of "FAQs" - Frequently Asked Questions files - about the World Wide Web, the Apple II and ///, Getting Information by Using Email Only, and much more. WWW.FAQ : Everything about the World Wide Web INET.BY.FAX : Faxing over the Internet A3.FAQ.2.0 : v. 2.0 of the A3 FAQ
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! 3INET.04 SIDE ONE READ.ME.FIRST : What's on this disk. FAQS.2 (Directory) : A series of "FAQs" - Frequently Asked Questions files - about the World Wide Web, the Apple II and ///, Getting Information by Using Email Only, and much more. K.12.INET.FAQ : The Internet for teachers! A2.FAQ.Pt1 : Part 1 of 2 part info on the Apple II SIDE TWO FAQS.3 INET.BY.EMAIL : Accessing the Internet with just EMAIL IRC.FAQ : Internet Relay Chat information A2.FAQ.Pt2 : Part 2 of 2 part info on the Apple II
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.05 SIDE ONE READ.ME.FIRST : A compilation of what is on this disk. ZEN.1 (Directory) : "Zen and the Art of the Internet" - Another great tutoral about the Internet. ZEN.PART1 : Opening information/credits/etc. ZEN.PART2 : Anonymous FTP ZEN.PART3 : Usenet Newsgroups ZEN.PART4 : More on Newsgroups KIDS.INET : A little info about the wealth of information on the Internet for Kids. SIDE TWO] ZEN.2 (Directory) ZEN.PART5 : Internet Tools MODEM.TERMS : All the terms you wished you knew about dealing with your modem and its use. HTML (Directory) HTML.HOW.TO : A very basic tutorial about HTML and how to use it. EVRY : Text version of Ron Evry's Home Page EVRY.HTML : Ron Evry's Home Page in HTML Format HTML.3.0 : Information about the upcoming 3.0 version of HTML
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.06 SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of what's on this disk. BIGSURF.1 (Directory) : A tremendous resource of World Wide Web sites you can surf for all kinds of great information. Note that addresses change - sometimes often - so while this is a pretty good compilation as of October, 1995 - some listings have likely gone away or already changed. BIGSURF.NOTES BIGSURF.INTRO ART.GRAPHICS2 ALT.SITES2 ALT.SITES1 ART.GRAPHICS1 SIDE TWO BIGSURF.2 (Directory) EDU.REF1 CHATS.ETC. GENERAL.REF EDUCATION FOOD.DRINK ENVIRONMENT EDU.REF2
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.07 SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. BIGSURF.3 (Directory) : We continue our surfing guide to the WWW! SIDE ONE HEALTH.ETC. GOVERNMENT BUSINESS1 HOBBIES.SPORTS1 HOBBIES.SPORTS2 SIDE TWO BUSINESS2 INET.INFO1 INET.INFO2 K.12.EDU LAW.LEGAL
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.08 SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. BIGSURF.5 (Directory) : We continue our surfing guide to the WWW! SIDE ONE MUSIC.SOUND MUSIC.SOUND2 ONLINE.PUBS1 ONLINE.PUBS3 ONLINE.PUBS2 SCIENCE SIDE TWO BIGSURF.6 (Directory) SPACE TV.MOVIES USENETS TRAVEL1 TRAVEL2 WOMEN
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/