APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.09 SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. BIGSURF.7 (Directory) : We finish our surfing guide to the WWW! WWW.SITES WWW.HTML.TOOLS CLOSING.WORDS URLS.1 (Directory) : "URLS" are the "pathnames" the Internet needs in order to send you to the location you want to go. They actually stand for "Universal Resource Locators." This directory (Folder in GS parlance) lists tons of great URLs - a compliment to the BIGSURF Guide listings. URLS.A through URLS.H SIDE TWO URLS.2 URLS.I through URLS.Z
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.10 : ROADMAP INETERNET TUTORIAL BY DON CRISPIN SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. ROADMAP.READ.ME : Information about the Roadmap Internet Tutorial by Don Crispin ROADMAP.1 (Directory): MAP01 WELCOME MAP02 LISTSERV FILE SERVER COMMANDS MAP03 LEVELS OF INTERNET CONNECTIVITY MAP04 E-MAIL MAP05 LISTSERVS MAP06 OTHER MAIL SERVERS MAP07 NETIQUETTE MAP08 USENET MAP09 SPAMMING AND URBAN LEGENDS SIDE TWO ROADMAP.2 (Directory): MAP10 INTERNET SECURITY MAP11 TELNET (PART ONE) MAP12 TELNET (PART TWO) MAP13 FTP (PART ONE) MAP14 FTP (PART TWO) MAP15 FTPMAIL MAP16 FTP FILE COMPRESSION MAP17 ARCHIE MAP17B FTP SITES POPQUIZES (Directory): PQ.1 PQ.1.ANSW
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.11 : ROADMAP INETERNET TUTORIAL BY DON CRISPIN - DISK 2 SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. ROADMAP.READ.ME : More information about the Roadmap Internet Tutorial by Don Crispin ROADMAP.3 (Directory): MAP.18 :Gopher (part 1) MAP.19 :Gopher (part 2) MAP.20 :Bookmarks and Booklists MAP.21 :Veronica MAP.22 :Gophermail MAP.23 :WWW (World Wide Web)(part 1) MAP.24 :WWW (World Wide Web)(part 2) SIDE TWO ROADMAP.4 (Directory): MAP.25 :Address Searches and Finger MAP.26 :IRC/MUDs/MOOs and Other "Talkers" MAP.27 :The Future... EXTRA.ADVERTS :Advertising on the Internet EXTRA.NEAT.STUF :Neat Stuff to Check Out EXTRA.GUEST :Guest Lecture POPQUIZES (Directory): PQ.2 PQ.2.ANSW
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.12 : SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. USENET.GROUPS.1 (DIRECTORY) : A compilation of Usenet Groups you'll find on the Net (Part 1) NEWS.DESC.01 NEWS.DESC.02 USENET.PRIMER : This document is not intended to teach you how to use USENET. Instead, it is a guide to using it politely, effectively and efficiently. SIDE TWO USENET.GROUPS.2 (DIRECTORY) : A compilation of Usenet Groups you'll find on the Net (Part 2) NEWS.ALT.1 - "alt" is a collection of newsgroups that is being distributed by a collection of sites that choose to carry the groups. Many Usenet sites do not receive these groups. Here is a recent list of many active "alt" newsgroups.
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.13 SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. USENET.GROUPS.3 (DIRECTORY) : A compilation of Usenet Groups you'll find on the Net (Part 3) NEWS.ALT.2 NEWS.ALT.3 - "alt" is a collection of newsgroups that is being distributed by a collection of sites that choose to carry the groups. Many Usenet sites do not receive these groups. Here is a recent list of many active "alt" newsgroups. USENET.OVERVIEW :In order to enjoy the full benefits of Internet, uninitiated TCS Explorers will find it ESSENTIAL to understand as much as possible what is available among the approximately 15,000 news groups that exist on Internet. The following compilation tries to provide a summary on this subject. SIDE TWO USENET.GROUPS.4 (DIRECTORY) MOD.NEWSGROUPS :This article contains the location of archives for moderated Usenet newsgroups. BOOKLIST.1 : First of two files containing a more comprehensive listing of books about the Internet.
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.14 : SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. BOOKLIST.2 : Second of two files containing a more comprehensive listing of books about the Internet. INET.BBS.LIST : Zamfield's Wonderfully Incomplete, Complete Internet BBS List INET.FUN.LIST : These are ftp, telnet and email sites all over the world having all kinds of neat resources available, and can mostly be accessed from any internet node. LIBRARIES.INET : This is a collection of internet electronic libraries where some of them may require authorizations for use. SIDE TWO LYNX.GUIDE : A users guide to Lynx - a program that allows Apple II and /// users to access the Internet. Lynx is accessed on the host computer upon dialup into your "host" computer - for example, for Apple II & /// subscrbers to the Explorer Service offered by WAP or to CapAccess or Sailor. LYNX.FAQ : A short info sheet about Lynx and its latest version. SMITH.INET (DIRECTORY) : A series of selected tutorials by Prof. Richard Smith called "Navigatng The Internet - an Interactive Workshop." TOUR.INFO : Information about the entire Smith Internet Series MANUALS : How to find manuals for information already retrieved LISTSERVES : How to subscribe to the Navigating Listserve INET.GUIDE : How to go to another machine to get an Internet Guide CARL : How to access libraries through the CARL system TOMER.1 : A brief look at resources available via remote login. TOMER.2 : Part 1 continued MUSIC : How to find music and music lyrics on the Internet UNIX.1 : Part one of two parts looking at the Unix OS (used by many host computers for Internet access) UNIX.2 : Part two of two part tutorial on the Unix OS.
APPLE II FAMLY INTERNET STARTER'S KIT Compiled by: David Ottalini WAP /// SIG Co-Chairman September/October 1995 Welcome to the WAP Apple Family Internet Starter Kit! We've attempted to compile literally a ton of information for you about the Internet and how you can use it with your Appe II or /// computer. That's right - literally ALL Apple IIs - from the Plus on up to the GS and any version of the /// - can and do have the ability to surf the Internet. It's not as pretty as the Macs and PCs can do these days with their Web Surfers, etc. BUT computers were accessing the Internet for years before these latest software goodies ever showed up. And besides - you don't need the memory or special software that the newer machines need. These disks are a work in progress - please let us know how we can improve them for you. IF you would like to contribute more to them, or make some adjustements here and there, please let us know. We want these disks to be a wonderful resource to the entire Apple II family! DISK 3INET.15 : SIDE ONE Read.Me.First : A compilation of the files on this disk. INET.PRIVACY1 (Directory) Information on email and account privacy, anonymous mailing and posting, encryption, and other privacy and rights issues associated with use of the Internet and global networks in general. PART.1 : Identity and Why Its Important on the Internet PART.2 : Privacy on the Inerternet PART.3 : Anonymity on the Internet PART.4 : Privacy and Rights Issues PART.5 : The Clipper Chip (encryption) SIDE TWO INET.PRIVACY2 (Directory) PART.6 : Resources; Miscellaneous HHIKERS.GUIDE : Yet another Internet Guide for your consideration.
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/