DISK ID# : 3PAR-01:
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME : PAIR Software Catalog Disk DISK ID# : 3PAR-01 BOOTABLE ? Side One Only This disk contains the disk catalog of Pair Software - a former Apple /// vendor. We've placed this disk into the WAP /// SIG PD for a couple of reasons. One is historical. It's important to preserve the information about the products listed here. Secondly, this company made an important and lasting contribution to the /// community and deserves that recognition. We also think it's interesting to read the descriptions... and see what the going prices were just a few years ago. Please note that in late 1993, Frank Moore (former CEO of Pair Software) put all his disks into the public domain by donating them to WAP. On Side One: READ.ME.FIRST On Side Two: CATALOG
DISK ID# : 3PAR-02
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Best Of Pair Software DISK ID#: 3PAR-02 BOOTABLE? Side One Only The Best of Pair Software includes programs downloaded from the company's BBS that operated for a time (we wish we'd downloaded more!). This disk includes a number of articles exploring assembly language and how to use it to do different things on the ///. A Bibliography of Pair's /// Newsletter and /// Magazine is included. On Side One: BIB.ASCI.PT1 : Bibliography of Pair publications (ASCII) CISARS.ARTICLES : Discusses John Cisar's articles on Side Two. PAIR.BIB : 3EZ Pieces bibliography of Pair publications. On Side Two: BIB.ASCII.PT2 : Part 2 of ASCII version of Pair bibliography. CISAR.1 : The Pull Down Menu Unit. CISAR.2 : How to get flashing characters and upload characters into your programs. CISAR.3 : The Cisar Prompt Procedure. RGB : A new RGB circuit for the Apple ///.
DISK ID# : 3PAR-03
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME : DATA GRAPH /// DISK ID# : 3PAR-03 BOOTABLE ? Both Sides DATA GRAPH /// - The NEW, easy to use data graphing program for Apple /// owners. Data Graph /// allows you to use and plot up to three separate sets of datum on the same graph! Or, average all three sets for a single plot. Does Bar, 3-D bar, line, X-Y plots, pie, 3-D pie and scatter graphs. Black and white graphs only, works with most EPSON or compatible printers. SIDE 1: Read.Me.First : This File SIDE 2: Data Graph /// (Self Booting)
DISK ID# : 3PAR-04
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: GAIN ON SALE DISK ID : 3PAR.04 BOOTABLE? Side One GAIN ON SALE is a powerful program for those Apple /// owners involved in loan processing. Handles single or mulitiple loan packages. Calculates loan figures, loan package values, coupon rates, loan fees, etc. Prints complete amortization reports, loan figures, etc. Originally written by one of the 'Big Eight' accounting firms. Very fast, compiled Business Basic. Requires 256K machine, one diskette drive. SIDE ONE: READ.ME.FIRST : The file you are reading now. SHORT.MANUAL : How to use this program SIDE TWO: GAIN ON SALE PROGRAM
DISK ID# : 3PAR-05
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: LABEL MAKER /// DISK ID : 3PAR.05 BOOTABLE? BOTH SIDES LABEL MAKER /// is an easy to use program for the creation of labels on your computer. You can control the width and length of your labels, store formats, etc. Use to make address labels, fancy diskette labels, etc. Very simple in design and functions, but also very simple to use. Source text included, no manual. 256K minimum, two disk drives or hard disk recommended. SIDE ONE: READ.ME.FIRST : The file you are reading now. SOME.INFO : Some notes about this program, Help file, etc. LABELS.DATA : Backup of same file from Side Two SIDE TWO: LABEL MAKER /// PROGRAM (SELF-BOOTING PASCAL)
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/