How many people can you get in the TCS Room at one time?Orange signs indicate systems slated for retirement after the current upgrades are complete. Note two critical components of the TCS: the Kleenex box threatening to fall of the shelf, and the Big Red Switch (partially out of the picture in the top middle of the screen).From their rookery in one corner of the TCS Room, the resident penguins oversee all activity.TCS Software Architect Jon Thomason watches as people view the TCS equipment. "Lots of this stuff should be in a museum" was one common comment.Shown in this photo are various components including the Pi Web server, the beige tower partially out of the photo at the right of the screen. If you can see this photo, the Web server is up and running.The Apple IIGS computers on the right along the back wall (with their covers off) are the last holdouts for what was once an all-Apple II bulletin board sporting two phone lines.