Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Opening is still half an hour away.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. The line extends out the mall...Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Around the corner...Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Some Mac enthusiasts.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Very enthusiastic enthusiasts.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Large Mac portable?Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. The line extends outside, across the skybridge.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Across the skybridge and into the garage.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Veteran of previous openings.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. On the skybridge.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Into the parking garage.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Apple store opening veterans in the parking garage.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Deeper into the parking garage.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Still deeper into the parking garage.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Even deeper into the parking garage.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Recording the event on a built-in iSight camera is a challenge.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Store employees greet those in line before the opening.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Store employees clap and chant.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Store employees lead Apple cheers. Who knew there were Apple cheers?Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. The boy in yellow got up very early in the morning to be first in line.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Once the doors opened, the store was instantly packed.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. And still they came.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Queueing theory in action.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Entering the store.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Mac enthusiast family with free T-shirts.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. The Studio and the Genius Bar.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. The cash "register" is in the foreground, with the iPod Bar at the back. Note the selection of backpacks and iPod accessories on the opposite wall.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Looking toward the rear of the store.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Another view toward the rear of the store.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Looking toward the front of the store.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Note the boxes of T-shirts inside the store near the door.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. More T-shirts head for the front of the store.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. There are a great many toys on display to play with.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Yes, you had to wait to play with a machine, but they were all working, and there were lots of them.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Note the large, lighted posters along the walls.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Demonstration iPods are plentiful.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. The store distributed all T-shirts before 11 a.m. (Time stamp on photo is incorrect, as it is set to London, UK)Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. They were out of Geniuses by 10:29 a.m. How sad.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. He made it to the Genius Bar.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. iPod accessories, media, keyboards...Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Rows and rows of Mac software.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Innovative Mac interface for preschoolers.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. Gonna need a bigger bag.Grand Opening Apple Store Columbia, Maryland. T-shirts going fast.