Washington Apple Pi has decided to postpone the proposed WAP Expo 2004. Originally scheduled to take place in June 2004, the Expo has been put off until some time in 2005, most likely in the spring or early summer. (Note the revised display ad elsewhere in this Journal.) There were simply too many things to do in the short time left this year, and not enough resources (mostly people) to do them. By changing the schedule, the Pi plans to:
If you’d like to help define and build the Expo, please consider volunteering now. There is much work to be done contacting vendors, creating graphic designs and advertisement, recruiting volunteers for the show, arranging for facilities, arranging for training sessions and “entertainment” sessions (or running such sessions) and the work needs to start now. You can showcase your talents and skills, meet terrific people, and have amazing amounts of fun.
Contact the Pi Vice President for Programs at vpprograms@wap.org to get involved, or join the discussions about the Expo on the Pi’s computer forums on http://tcs.wap.org/