Washington Apple Pi
A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users
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February 2006: Freeware, Shareware, Donationware
Pi President John Barnes and Vice President for Programs Pat Fauquet guide the February 2006 General Meeting on freeware, shareware, and donationware. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
Details of a special T-shirt featuring a Lego-like Steve Wozniak, complete with a microchip in hand. A drawing for the shirt will be held in April 2006. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
Bob Jarecke, Vice President for Membership Services, tested out a new mass storage option for digital video. The iSight at the top provides the video feed which passes through the PowerBook and then is somehow deposited in the pasteboard box on floppy drives. Bob merely laughed when asked to explain how this works. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
A good crowd turned out for the February meeting. This photo is deceptive, showing less than half the room. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
Matthew Shedlick of Deep Prose Software uses an iSight camera to scan a book barcode into his marvelous library catalog, Booxster. The program uses the bar code to automatically reach out over the Internet and collect cataloging information from the Library of Congress, Amazon, and other online sources. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
Luis de la Rosa demonstrates his forthcoming WebNoteHappy Pro, an inspired URL cataloging and note taking program. de la Rosa is also a core member of the Pi's Programming SIG. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
Luis de la Rosa responds to a question about his WebNoteHappy Pro application. He explained that the name came from the fact that programming, and watching people use his programs, made him happy.(Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
While Steve Sheets, resident wizard at Midnight Mage, shows off his Roll Call Directory program, two videographers record the meeting with iSights and laptops. Also interesting: similarities in hair styles in the audience... (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
Steve Sheets dazzled the February meeting with an amazing array of things you could d with Apple's Address Book -- and his RollCall Directory program. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)
Jonathan Blocksom demonstrates GollyGee Blocks, perhaps the world's easiest to use 3D visualization package. Intended for kids, it looks like it could suck up endless hours of adult time, too. (Photo by Lawrence I. Charters, taken with a Minolta A2 digital camera)