Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

July 2021

Jimmy Obomsawin: iOS 15 and macOS Monerey - Helping us both connect more and to disconnect more

July 24, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm.

Note: this will be a virtual meeting via Zoom.

iOS and macOS are renown for their built-in security measures. You don't need to hire a security professional to lock down your iPhone, iPad, or Mac; just follow the prompts after an install (or when you first fire up a new machine), and you'll be in good shape. But in 2021, security involves more than keeping out hackers.

iOS 15 and macOS Monterey (macOS 12) go beyond hackers and focus sharply on privacy. In addition to the controversial privacy controls added to iOS 14 and macOS 11 ("controversial" in the eyes of Facebook and other companies that like to track your every move), Apple is adding even more, including some clever email innovations, the introduction of automatic proxying for Safari and Mail for paid iCloud users, and other measures a bit more difficult to describe succinctly. Plus: Apple is adding even more ways to integrate their applications so that you can use information in more than one context, without retyping or reentry.

There is much to talk about, and Jimmy will cover as much as possible with his usual enthusiasm and understated technical expertise. See what the future has to offer -- later this year.

Jimmy Obomsawin talks about iOS 15 and macOS Monterey

Click on the image for a (much, much) larger view.

The Zoom meeting invitation will be posted on the Pi's conferencing system, the TCS, and sent out to members via Email. Please check your Zoom profile online to be sure it contains your full name, because for security reasons, we can't let anyone in without their full name.

Pro tip: if you use the Zoom app (instead of a web browser), check in advance that you have version 5.7.3 or better.

We'll start with a Q&A, so please send us any questions for us to queue up for the panel.

We will try to stream the meeting through the Pi website: https://www.wap.org/live/

Please remember to use the Attendance Check-in link: https://wap.org/attend