Washington Apple Pi 2004 Picnic Photos by Richard Rucker
David Harris and Nancy Seferian chat during the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Richard Sanderson, unofficial Pi photographer for many events, is captured on "film" holding his Nikon D-100 camera. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Don Mader attended the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic wearing an amazing purple hat. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Outgoing Vice President for Volunteers Steve Roberson at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Jeff Lauterette explains how his Segway works to an eager, if someone skeptical, Richard Sanderson. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Jim Little and Cheryl Lavoie talk at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)John Barnes looks over the crowd at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Pi Webmaster Lawrence Charters tries out the Segway Human Transporter at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. Jeff Lauterette (in blue shorts) eventually made him give it back. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Nancy Little and Catherine Diebold watch fellow Mac users become Segway enthusiasts at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Nancy Little tries out Jeff Lauterette's Segway at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Phil Shapiro talks to Steve Roberson (with his back to the camera) at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Phil Marchetti sports a very safe hat at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Phil Shapiro watches the festivities at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Those at the picnic served double-duty as the audience for the Pi's 2004 Outstanding Volunteer Awards. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Outgoing Vice President for Volunteers Steve Roberson awards an "Outstanding Volunteer" pin to Catherine Diebold at the 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)Outgoing Vice President for Volunteers Steve Roberson awards an "Outstanding Volunteer" pin to Richard Sanderson at the Pi's 2004 Summer Picnic. (Photo by Dick Rucker, taken with a Sony DSC-S70 digital camera.)