Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

June 2021

Rob Pegoraro Zooms into the Pi 2021

June 26, 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm.

Note: this will be a virtual meeting via Zoom.

Rob Pegoraro will return to talk about personal technology at a time that is saturated with personal technology. More than a year into a global pandemic, with some nations declaring a (subdued) win while others fall into despair and still others pretend everything is fine, personal technology has taken over for personal interaction, and the world looks very different. Downtown office towers are empty. Business air travel is aspirational. People have forgotten the name of their boss but are best buds with the UPS driver. The fact that Rob is visiting the Pi through Zoom, for the second year in a row, speaks volumes.

Rob will talk about "how a work-from-home guy survived working from home nonstop during the pandemic." He might also venture an opinion on M1-powered Macs and iPads, Apple's "assault" on Facebook through new security and privacy controls, privacy and security breaches that are beyond your control (i.e., ransomware attacks on newspapers, dry cleaners, gas pipelines, hospitals, police departments, yoga studios), the slow death of land-line telephone and cable television, and possibly other topics.

More about Rob (note the manual typewriter keys): https://robpegoraro.wordpress.com/about/

The Zoom meeting invitation will be posted on the Pi's conferencing system, the TCS, and sent out to members via Email. Please check your Zoom profile online to be sure it contains your full name, because for security reasons, we can't let anyone in without their full name.

Pro tip: if you use the Zoom app (instead of a web browser), check in advance that you have version 5.6.7 or better.

We'll start with a Q&A, so please send us any questions for us to queue up for the panel.

We will try to stream the meeting through the Pi website: https://www.wap.org/live/

Please remember to use the Attendance Check-in link: https://wap.org/attend