Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Local Journalism Stories and Trends

May 18, 2024, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Remote meeting via Zoom

The Pi has always moved up the May meeting a week, so it wouldn't fall on Memorial Day weekend.  But this year, by doing so we blundered into the week of the Maryland 2024 Primary Day yesterday.  And of course, our local news journo Ginny Bixby has been immersed in this and still is with her extensive local coverage! So instead of a whole morning and formal present, we'll make do with a half hour, that will be brief but hopefully fun. So Ginny will give a brief talk and then interact with us from 10:30 to 11 am on Saturday. Please make plans to come early to not miss her talk!

Bixby previously worked as the city reporter for The Daily Progress, a daily newspaper in Charlottesville, Virginia. She covered the city government and other happenings in the city, and led the publication's coverage of the Confederate statue removal in July 2021. Bixby focused on how the historical landscape of the city affects its present day existence, especially in regards to racial segregation.

Her reporting has been picked up by state, regional, and national media - including The Washington Post, the Associated Press, and US News and World Report. And Bixby was interviewed on NPR's Here and Now and on LBC Radio in London, UK about the removal of Charlottesville's Confederate statues.

The Zoom meeting invitation will be posted on the Pi's conferencing system, the TCS, and sent out to members via Email. Please check your Zoom profile online to be sure it contains your full name, because for security reasons, we can't let anyone in without their full name.

Important! if you use the Zoom app (instead of a web browser), check in advance that you have version 6.0 or better. Zoom made a massive update recently that moved everything around and even renamed the software application.

Please remember to use the Attendance Check-in link, https://wap.org/attend