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Eric Elane, "Francis with Cicadas." First Place Advanced - People. Judges Comments: great moment, strong composition, good exposure. "The photograph was taken on June 3, 2004 right outside my family's apartment in Rockville, when my son Francis was a few weeks short of being 2 years old. Although his 4 year old sister Mia -- who was with him at that same afternoon -- was very scared and squeamish upon seeing the cicadas all over the yard, Francis was very curious and somewhat playful when he got in contact with the bugs. I look forward to take another photo of him in 14 years when the cicadas return in our area." Nikon N90, 105mm F 2.8 Micro Nikkor Lens, SB-26 Flash, color negative scanned on a Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 Film Scanner.