Setting up for the meeting. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Mini-consultation before the meeitng starts. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.More pre-meeting setup. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Still more pre-meeting setup. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Lawrence Charters answers questions during the Question and Answer session. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.President Jay Castillo talks about future Pi plans. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Morning coffee break. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Announcement of photo contest winners. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Acknowledging volunteers for photo contest. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Dan Lehman, co-winner, Best of Show, 2010 Photo Contest. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Winners, 2010 Photo Contest. Front row: Bud Uyeda, Diana King, Mindy Nash, Bob Jarecke. Back row: Walter Taylor, Lawrence Charters, Dan Lehman, Neil McNamara. Not pictured: Jerry Eisner, Phil Powell, Charles Dufor, Larry Wiener, Jonathan Bernstein. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Bob Jarecke discussing how the Pi can use iChat for helping members with technical problems. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Bo Huttinger talks about some of the technical details of iChat and why it works so well for providing tech support. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.A technical glitch in the middle of the iChat demo caused some consternation. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Bo Huttinger uses iChat to talk to someone in the audience. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Dan Lehman and Mindy Nash, co-winners of Best of Show honors for the 2010 Pi Photo Contest. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Mindy Nash, co-winner of Best of Show, Pi Photo Contest 2010. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Dan Lehman, co-winner of Best of Show, Pi Photo Contest 2010. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.Larry Kershberg and Travis Good discuss who has the cooler iPad. Larry wins, since his has a BMW cap. Washington Apple Pi General Meeting, September 25, 2010. Photo by Richard Sanderson.