Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Best of the TCS

The Best of the TCS

By Dick Rucker

Washington Apple Pi Journal, reprint information

The following message threads appeared recently on the TCS, the Pi’s members-only message boards found at: http://tcs.wap.org/. The TCS is best place I know for members seeking answers to questions about their Macs or about the services offered by the Pi; I check it daily.

To find help on how to start using the TCS to your advantage, go here:

            A Brief User’s Guide to the Washington Apple Pi (one Web page):


            Guide for Users of the Washington Apple Pi’s TCS (downloaded PDF file):


"Keychain Access and why you care" started Dec 18, 2005

URL: http://tcs.wap.org/topic?b=macos&top=6169

Keywords: security, password, certificate, key, keychain

Abstract:  Jon Thomason writes: “We only seem to talk about keychains on the TCS when someone gets frustrated from too often retyping a password… But it's good to take a moment when the keychain system isn't such an adversary and to consider what it's doing. Once you do that, you can tailor its policies to make certain operations more convenient while keeping others highly secure.”

"Cars and iPods: summary" started Jan 04, 2006

URL: http://tcs.wap.org/topic?b=music&top=1110

Keywords: iPod, “car radio”, “audio adapter”, “iPod accessory”

Abstract:  Jon Thomason writes: “We've had a few interesting discussions on this board… about the myriad ways to play iPods over automotive sound systems -- and the costs, hassles, and trade-offs of each approach.  ” He gives a reference to a good article on the subject.

"Best backup options?" started Jan 08, 2006

URL: http://tcs.wap.org/topic?b=upgd&top=1615

Keywords: backup, recovery, “hard drive protection”

Abstract:  George Keitt writes: “I need to find the best way to back up my 80GB hard drive on a PowerMac G4…” The advice he receives is varied and thought provoking.  There are lots of risks for which you might need protection, ranging from an on-premises fire to operator error. What can be done to protect against loss depends greatly on which risks you decide are worth the effort and expense.

"Inexpensive laser printer" started Jan 23, 2006

URL: http://tcs.wap.org/topic?b=apps&top=1273

Keywords: printer, laser, “buying a printer”, “laser vs. ink-jet”

Abstract:  Tom Berens writes: “Can anyone recommend an inexpensive laser printer for occasional home use?” The discussion ranges from specific recommendations to the pros and cons of ink-jet printers vs. laser printers when only used occasionally.