Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Turning Inkjet Printers into PostScript Printers

by Paul Gerstenbluth (ARIEfound@aol.com)

Washington Apple Pi Journal, July/August 1998, p. 88-89, reprint information

Review: Using StyleScript 3.7 (Adobe Level 2 PostScript Software)

Satisfy you hunger for a PostScript printer. You can turn your Apple StyleWriter 1200 into a PostScript printer for $99.95 with StyleScript.

Adobe PostScript revolutionized the way computer documents looked on a printed page. The result was that a document would come out looking as if it had been send to a professional typesetter. PostScript became the new tool for document design and presentation there was just no comparison, the quality was that good.

What is StyleScript?

StyleScript is the genuine Adobe PostScript Level 2 upgrade for your inkjet printer. Now, you can print PostScript from your Macintosh computer to your inkjet printer.

Who uses StyleScript?

Graphic artists who want inexpensive and accurate proofing for their work. Business users who need good looking presentations on paper, transparencies, film and decals. Home and Education users who want to use Postscript clip art.

Merits of Using PostScript

Jim Carlton, the Wall Street reporter, points out the merits of Postscript, and how it affected the graphic trade. PostScript became the "de facto" standard in the graphic industry.

The credit goes to Adobe System PostScript fonts and Apple Computer for starting the desktop printing revolution. Apple Computer’s Steve Jobs did this by combining the use of the Macintosh computer, Adobe PostScript fonts, early Aldus PageMaker software and the Apple LaserWriter printer for publishing magazines.

What is PostScript?

PostScript is a printer and resolution-independent image-description language. Encapsulated PostScript Images (EPS) are scalable and portable between printers of different resolutions. An EPS file will always print at the highest quality available on the printer being used.

Personal Observation

My friends asked me, "New PostScript Printer? I noticed that your letters and mail label that you send me look better; I didn't think you could afford an expensive PostScript printer."

I received these comments when I started using my new StyleScript software with my printer. It brought new life to my old Apple StyleWriter 1200 printer. And, I didn't have to buy a new printer to print quality PostScript fonts.

StyleScript Supported Printers

Apple's StyleWriter Pro, StyleWriter II and the StyleWriter 1200, 1500, 2200, 2400, 2500, 4100, 4500 and 6500

Hewlett Packard's DeskWriter 550C, 600, 660C and 680C, Desk Jet 850C, 855C and 870C

Canon BJC 4550

Epson's Stylus Color 500, 600, 800 and 1520. The StyleScript software for these Epson printers is compatible only with PowerMacs.


Well written and easy to use StyleScript manual that answers your questions on how StyleScript works. The manual has a good index and table of contents from setting up to troubleshooting your inkjet printer.

StyleScript improves the output quality of EPS images printed from PostScript applications. You receive a bonus of 30 PostScript typefaces. Also, you receive Adobe Type Manager and easy accesses to the entire Adobe font library are included with StyleScript at no extra cost.

StyleScript is compatible with Apple's Color StyleWriter LocalTalk Module, when used with StyleWriter II, 1200, 1500, 2200, 2400 and 2500. StyleScript supports Photograde printing with the Apple Color StyleWriter 2500, using Apple's special Photograde ink cartridges and paper.

Apple officially supports printing to only the StyleWriter 2400 and the 2500 with the Color StyleWriter LocalTalk Module. It only supports printing to the StyleWriter 1200, 1500, 2200, 2400, and 2500 with the StyleWriter EtherTalk Adapter.

StyleScript, however, was developed to be compatible with all StyleWriters (except the original StyleWriter and the StyleWriter Pro). StyleScript works when used with the currently shipping models of either the Color StyleWriter LocalTalk Module or the StyleWriter EtherTalk Adapter.


You need to manual turn on your StyleWriter 1200 to print in PostScript fonts in order to speed up printing your document. Sometimes, you will receive an error message that your printer is not connected to your computer when you fail to manual turn on your StyleWriter.

Recommend that you use the standard Macintosh printer driver for your printer to print from any program that does not output PostScript graphics.

StyleScript Speed. PostScript printing requires time-consuming calculations. Most PostScript printers execute these calculations in hardware. StyleScript executes these calculations in software, which is slower. The faster your Mac is, the faster StyleScript will print.

StyleScript does not support QuickDraw GX. Unfortunately, StyleScript does not support printing with Photograph quality ink, on the 4500 or 6500 model Apple Color StyleWriters. Finally, StyleScript is not compatible with the original StyleWriter and the StyleWriter Pro printers.


StyleScript software turns you inkjet into a fully Postscript compatible printer. Now you can print sharp, full-colored, PostScript graphics on your printer.

Minimum System Requirement for StyleScript:

Processor: A 68020, 'O30, '040 or PowerPC based Macintosh.

System Software: Mac OS version 7.1 or higher. RAM: 16 MB RAM and a CD-ROM Drive.

Available from Infowave, 4664 Lougheed Highway, Suite 188, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5C 6B7. Suggested Retail price is $99.95 from Infowave, CompUSA and mail order.

Paul Gerstenbluth is President of the ARIE Foundation that provides hobby materials and computers to VA Hospital patients. (Donated Apple and Macintosh computers help hospitalized veterans in their stay and recovery.)


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Revised Saturday, August 12, 1998 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/journal/