Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

TCS Guidelines

Revised July 2003

[The Washington Apple Pi TCS system can be found on the Internet at http://tcs.wap.org/ All current Pi members are invited to use the TCS, 24 hours a day, every day.]


The primary purpose of the Washington Apple Pi TeleCommunications System (TCS) is to educate Pi users in the use of computers. In addition, it has a long and honored history of serving as a warm and friendly electronic meeting place, where members can meet, share ideas and passions, and emphasize the personal nature of "personal" computers through interactive participation. As with any gathering place where people can share passions, it is important to remember at all times to be courteous and civil. The following guidelines can be summarized in two words: be nice.


1. These guidelines are intended to distinguish the types of activities that are permitted from those which are not permitted. Due to changes in the TCS over time, the guidelines as drafted will not necessarily cover future situations. It is to be understood that the TCS Committee (TCSC) members will use their best judgment to act in a fair manner to all parties involved.

2. The TCSC is charged with acting promptly to preserve the community spirit necessary for any bulletin board system to prosper. Users of the TCS should have discussions without arguments, have disagreements without being disagreeable, and express themselves without innuendo and nastiness. Personal attacks are not permitted.

3. Since WAP policy strictly forbids software piracy, messages and activities related to this subject will not be tolerated. Software offered for sale on the Classified Conference shall consist of all original disks and documentation; it is not permissible to sell copies of your original disks or documentation.

4. The TCS is a family-oriented board. Obscene or profane language is not permitted. Language on each board shall be appropriate for young children.

5. Messages shall be posted on the appropriate board whenever possible. It is permissible to post private messages. However, since the primary function of the TCS is to disseminate information to WAP members, we encourage users to post messages publicly whenever possible. Remember, it is likely that your message is relevant to others. Private messages on the TCS are seen by the person the message is addressed to and also the system operators and board sheriffs. Truly private information should not be posted on the TCS. Quoting private messages publicly without the author's permission is not allowed.

6. No one is permitted to attempt to defeat TCS security measures. No one is permitted to gain or attempt to increase their privileges beyond those explicitly granted by the TCSC. If a bug is found in the TCS software or system that would serve as a security loophole or which could directly or indirectly cause damage to TCS data or equipment, it is the user's duty to make this known to the TCSC as quickly as possible.

7. Since this is a members-only system, only paid Washington Apple Pi members are welcome on the system. Members may guide nonmembers through the system for demonstration purposes only.

8. TCS accounts are associated with WAP memberships. Only those covered by a particular WAP membership may use the corresponding TCS account. Additional TCS accounts for a membership may be obtained by payment of the appropriate fee. Special TCS accounts for the purpose of system enhancement may be granted as necessary by the TCSC.

9. These guidelines will be posted for convenient review by TCS users. The TCS Committee normally enforces these guidelines with a "reminder" message, explaining the infraction and suggesting the user refresh their knowledge of the guidelines. Malicious or repeat violations will result in a formal warning message, making clear that the next violation will result in a suspension of TCS access privileges. If a user is suspended, the TCS Committee may consider a written letter of apology as the basis for possible reinstatement of access privileges.

10. Any disciplinary action taken by the TeleCommunications System Operator (the chairperson of the TCSC, appointed by the Board of Directors) is appealable to the TCSC, at their next scheduled meeting. The Board of Directors, in its discretion, may decide to review actions of the TCSC.

11. These guidelines effective August 2003.