For those of us who are very happy with our Apple II
computers and love the speed and functionality built into
these rugged machines, there is a world-wide support
community out there ready to lend a helping hand. And when
it comes to users of AppleWorks, the first powerful
integrated software application, there is an excellent place
to go for support.
Let me introduce you to TEXAS II. This is a full-time
business concern supporting AppleWorks users with a
newsletter, TEXAS II, TEXAS II on Disk, and other
products. The power behind TEXASII is Beverly Cadieux of
McKinney, Texas.
Now, this is not the product that runs on the Mac
formerly known as ClarisWorks, which Apple recently
took over and renamed AppleWorks . This is the
original AppleWorks, written for the AppleII
computers about 1983 and updated many times since then.
TEXAS II offers various products for sale related to
AppleWorks . These include the TEXAS II
Newsletters and Disks, printed material and books,
TimeOut Updates, AppleWorks updates, Y2K
updates to various programs, and pre-owned AppleWorks
and TimeOut software. They also do AppleWorks
to MicroSoft Works data transfers.
TEXAS II is a printed newsletter of interest to
those folks who use AppleWorks v5.1 on the Apple IIe,
IIc, IIGS, and Macintosh computers. Subscription price for
the next six issues of the TEXAS II newsletters v8.1
- 8.6, is $24, or $27 overseas. To get the previous six
issues of the TEXAS II newsletters v7.4 to 8.0 will
cost you $18, or $24 overseas. Articles in these recent
issues have included such topics as "All About AppleWorks
and HP DeskJet printers," "Connecting the Apple II and the
PC to transfer data," "So, why all the Year 2000 problems in
my rock-solid Apple II?"
TEXAS II on Disk is available on 3.5" or 5.25" disks. The
disks cost $10 if you subscribe to the Newsletter, $15 if
you don't or if you live overseas. Non-subscriber disks do
not include the AppleWorks text of the printed
TEXASII newsletter. Back issues cost $24 for the 3
most recently released disks or $66 for ALL past disks (25
disks). Disk number 29 includes Bev's Free Patcher v6.9,
with complete documentation on disk. Year 2000
updates/patches on Disk 29 include AppleWorks 2.0,
2.1, 3.0, 5.0, and 5.1, and Sneeze.
Year 2000 updates/patches on Disk 30 include ProSel-16
START v8.90, ProSel-8 Mr. Fixit v4.6, TimeOut
File Librarian v5.2, and Harold Portnoy's
Change-A-File v4.30 (complete). The 5.25" disk
version of Disk 30 does not contain ProSel-16.
Disk number 31 includes a new version of the
AppleWorks 5.1 patcher, v7.0, TimeOut updates for
AppleWorks 5.1 including TimeOut TOC Generator
v5.1 and QuickStyles v5.1 from TimeOut TextTools,
TimeOut CelLink v5.1 from SpreadTools, and TimeOut
File Status from MacroEase. Disk 31 contains a
complete list of version numbers of TimeOut accessories for
AppleWorks 3.0 and 5.1, plus many other interesting
activities for AppleWorks 5 users.
Among the TimeOut updates offered by TEXAS II is the
special TEXAS II edition of Randy Brandt's Freeware TimeOut
PowerPack. It is Y2K-compliant and includes both
AppleWorks 3.0 and 5.1 versions of Randy Brandt's
programs, and full documentation on disk. The PowerPack
includes TimeOut ASCII Values, AWP to TXT, Category
Search, Desktop Sorter, File Librarian, Help Screens, Line
Sorter, Program Selector, Triple Clipboard, Triple Desktop,
Disk Tester, Utilities. This disk is only $10.
Also available are pre-owned, but original versions of
many of the Beagle Bros. TimeOut disks and manuals including
UltraMacros, Grammar, FileMaster, TeleComm, Thesaurus,
Graph, SideSpread, and ReportWriter, just to name
a few. These are available with the manuals for $5 ea.
Finally, TEXAS II has available a considerable number of
Y2K fixes available for Apple II software. Provided a fix is
available, TEXAS II will update any AppleII software, any
version, for Y2K compliance. They charge $10.00 for this
service, to cover time spent and return postage. Except for
ProSel 8 and 16, simply mail a backup copy of
your startup and program disks (no originals) and $10 ($15
overseas) to Beverly Cadieux, 2503 Sherbrooke Ln., McKinney,
TX 75070.
Y2K updates available now include:
- French & Spanish versions of AppleWorks
- AppleWorks with PinPoint, Applied
Engineering, TimeOut, or other patches installed
- TimeOut File Librarian v5.2 by Randy Brandt
- Sneeze by Karl Bunker
- Change-A-File v4.30 by Harold Portnoy
- ProSel-16 by Glen Bredon (v8.90) - not
necessary to mail a disk. Not just an update, you will
receive a complete ProSel v8.90 disk in return.
- ProSel-8 by Glen Bredon (v4.0 with
Mr.Fixit v4.6) - do not mail a disk. Not just an
update, you will receive a complete ProSel 8 v4.0
disk in return. If you have access to the Internet, you can visit the
TEXASII site at
The mailing address, as noted above, is 2503 Sherbrooke Ln.,
McKinney, Texas 75070-4766.
One advantage of using an orphaned computer is that you
can get a lot of powerful software CHEAP! Anybody
using AppleWorks should take advantage of the
resources made available by TEXASII.
- AppleWorks v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.3,
v1.4, v2.0, v2.1, v3.0, v5.0, and v5.1
Revised November 24, 1999 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi