Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Afternoon Learners/Retired SIG, November 2008: Keynoe

By Seth Mize and Len Adler

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The main focus of this meeting was learning Keynote, part of the iWorks '08 package for $79 from Apple. It is Apple’s competition for PowerPoint. You begin by choosing a Theme from many themes that come with the application. Then you build on the first "Slide". What the user makes can take the form of a poster, a single sheet, or it can be a series of screens or windows. These may hold music, text, movies and of course transitions. You can set each slide to begin with your Apple Remote or press the keyboard. Or you can predetermine the length of any or all slide transitions. How long the transition from one screen to the next is determined by the build in and build out time. Always remember to look under Help if you get lost. You may view the many tools at the top of your screen or with the Inspector (or multiple Inspectors), View, Theme, Masters, Text, Shapes, Table, Charts, Comment, Smart Builds, Mask, Media, Fonts, Format.

Seth Mize started with the Preferences setting under the “Keynote” Build menu. There the time for each slide can be set. He used it to portray a download of breathtaking color photos of the Olympic Events held in China. The live feed on the web for the Opening Ceremony was blocked to the USA. He added transitions, music from his iTunes files, and developed a presentation in a few minutes.

We also agreed to use a new title for our group: Afternoon Learners/Retired SIG.