Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

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Another Object of Techno-Lust

Aside from blazing fast Power Macs and PowerBooks, what else is there to want? How about a large, very bright flat panel display, such as the new Apple Studio Display? Occupying a fraction of the desk space of most monitors, the Apple Studio Display left most people silent: they wanted it, but had trouble trying to justify replacing their existing, perfectly good monitor. Here's a hint: if you have more than one video card, your Mac will be more than happy to support multiple monitors. And this monitor will take up less space than any other second monitor.

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Apple Studio Display

Seen from the front, the Apple Studio Display is bright enough to seriously confuse an automatic camera: the screen is nicely exposed, but most of the rest of the picture is underexposed. Aside from being bright, with crisp images, the display takes up very little desktop space: if you can't justify it for some other reason, tell your boss you need the extra desk space.

The translucent plastic casing is most obvious when seen from behind. While nobody disliked this style case, there was a raging debate about its origins: is this a Retro look, a tribute to the 1950s? Or is this a Techno look, an American version of the European art trend?

Apple Studio Display Back

Photos by Lawrence I. Charters

Revised May 25, 1998 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/tours/