Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Mousing Around: Honest WYSIWYG

Washington Apple Pi's participation in the New Mac Road Show was a mixture of eager interest, education, and fear. Members were eager to play with the new computers and software, more than willing to educate visitors on how Macs work, and fearful that Apple's demo personnel would be unequipped to answer many questions. All this turned out to be true.

So while the demo personnel showed off a mixture of education and home software packages, Pi members showed people how Macs work, and answered questions. Lorin Evans, Washington Apple Pi's President (partially hidden by this visitor), demonstrated the features of this Power Macintosh 6500, complete with a monitor featuring built-in speakers and a microphone. The booths were set up so that the monitor image was repeated on another monitor overhead.

Note the footstool.




Lorin Evans
Photo by Wearentsure; taken with an Apple QuickTake 200 digital camera.

Revised October 25, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/tours/