Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

electric pi


Easy Miracles: Movies from Still Pictures

The Movies

© 2000 Lawrence I. Charters

Washington Apple Pi Journal, July/August 2000, pp. 35-39, reprint information

Companion article | Companion still photos

These are the QuickTime clips created entirely from still pictures. The subject: the Silver SpringWave Pool Park, in front of Silver Spring Metro Center #4 in Silver Spring, Maryland. The Wave Pool is a kinetic sculpture patterned after waves crashing against the Maine coastline. The photos were taken with a Nikon 950 digital camera, at the rate of two frames per second, on March 31, 2000. The camera was mounted on a tripod; the photos are unaltered in any way, and imported directly into QuickTime Pro (see article for details).

Click on a link to view a clip in your browser. Or press and hold a link to prompt for a download of a clip to your computer. Downloading to your computer may prove faster if you have a slow link, or a slow computer.


Wave Pool Movie

Click on the image, above, for the original, full size (four times the size of this image) movie clip. Or click and hold this link to download the 4.6 MB clip to your computer.


Full size Wave Pool, compressed with CinePak codec, 2.7 MB

Sorensen Wave Pool, compressed with Sorensen codec, 3.4 MB

100K Wave Pool, saved for a (pseudo) streaming 100K/sec. link, 407K

40K Wave Pool, saved for a (pseudo) streaming 40K/sec. link, 275K

20K Wave Pool, saved for a (pseudo) streaming 20K/sec. link, 153K

Brazil clip

A different set of images, taken with the camera tilted on end (portrait mode), were imported at the wrong frame rate, 15 images a second instead of two images a second. The clip was reduced to half size (which is actually one quarter sized) and saved with the CinePak codec. This (accidentally) illustrates the excellent wave characteristics of the Wave Pool.

Wave Pool seen from Brazil, after too much coffee, 304K

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Revised July 1, 2000 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/journal/