Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users




Website Basics


Images and Photos
Using images and photos in the website
  • Sunflower photoPrepare images and photos ahead of time

  • Place them in an Image folder in your website folder

  • Avoid using large images and photos in their original size and using html to resize the image. Large file formats are slow to load and can look bad when not resized properly.

Tools to resize photos

  • iPhoto

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • picnik - free online online photo editor, works with Picasa and flickr - http://www.picnik.com

Also, check the Apple website download page. Several free and shareware 3rd party applications are available for image editing.

One such application is ImageWell,http://xtralean.com, which will edit, rotate, crop and resize images.